Does Glaceon Have a Crush on Jolteon?

As a longtime gamer well-versed in Pokémon lore and mechanics, the suggested pairing between the Frost Pokémon Glaceon and the Lightning Pokémon Jolteon immediately intrigued me. Could an ice-cold loner like Glaceon melt for the fiery, energetic Jolteon?

Delving into established canon on the two Eeveelutions reveals some convincing evidence that Glaceon may indeed be harboring an icy yet passionate crush on her thunderous counterpart…

Glaceon‘s Behavior Points to Hidden Affection

In the animated short "Eeveelution Squabble" published on the official Pokémon YouTube channel, Glaceon blushes intensely when Jolteon appears on screen. As her teammate Vaporeon begins accusing her of hiding feelings for him, Glaceon stammers out denials but won‘t meet her eyes.

This reaction stands out as unusual given Glaceon‘s typical characterization across the games and anime. Her bio describes her personality as "cold as ice," distant, and apathetic towards most except her trusted Trainer. What could be causing this prideful Ice-type to lose her cool composure?

Further hints come from the main series games, where Glaceon learns Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate and Charm—moves associated with infatuation. Clearly, even this frosty Pokémon is not immune to romance!

As a competitive battler myself, I would argue her newfound shyness stems from a textbook crush. But what exactly does the aloof Glaceon see in cheery, fiery Jolteon?

The Electric Seduction: Jolteon‘s Alluring Appeal

Jolteon personifies electricity and lightning incarnate. This speedy Eeveelution zips around the battlefield, unleashing bursts of zap energy and thunderbolt shocks.

His Pokedex entries describe Jolteon as "highly sensitive to changes in the air" and "using the slightest of movements to dart away". In other words, this Pokémon reacts to shifts instantly on pure instinct. I can picture stoic Glaceon finding herself secretly enthralled by Jolteon‘s confidence and carefree spontaneity.

Stat-wise, Jolteon also boasts top-tier Speed and Special Attack in addition to decent Special Defense. With hard-hitting STAB moves like Thunderbolt in his arsenal, he outpaces and overwhelms opponents before they can react. Perhaps watching Jolteon battle with such grace and intensity stirred new feelings within defensive Glaceon?

StatGlaceon BaseJolteon Base
Sp. Atk130110
Sp. Def9595

As this stat comparison shows, Glaceon and Jolteon are evenly matched when it comes to overall base stat totals. However, Glaceon outpaces Jolteon in defense while Jolteon dominates speed and edged ahead in attack. Their stats almost perfectly complement each other.

Water-type expert Misty once called Ice-types and Electric-types "a perfect match". Perhaps the same holds true outside of battle as well! I could absolutely envision stoic Glaceon finding herself captivated by cheerful Jolteon‘s free-spiritedness and electrifying battling style. The yin to her yang, essentially.

A Romantic Voltage: Would the Pairing Work?

Assuming Glaceon does harbor secret (or not-so-secret) affections for Jolteon, could a relationship between the two work? Interestingly, the anime provides precedents for inter-typing chemistry defying expectations.

Electric-type Pikachu shares an intimate friendship with Water-type Oshawott, while Grass-type Snivy quietly crushes on Fire-type Tepig. And of course, Ash‘s love interest Serena is heavily implied to be crushing right back on him! All evidence that type barriers matter little in affairs of the heart.

Personality-wise, their contrasts could complement too. Much like anxious Oshawott benefits from the gentle reassurance of courageous Pikachu, taciturn Glaceon may crave someone energetic enough to draw her out of her shell. And Jolteon‘s confidence could perhaps use mellowing from someone prudent and grounded like Glaceon at times.

However, Jolteon does seem rather oblivious thus far to Glaceon‘s potential crush, as one Redditor points out: "that boy is about as perceptive as a Confused Magikarp!! someone needs to straight up tell him Glaceon‘s dropping ice cubes around him to get his attention before he notices anything??"

So should Glaceon admit her true feelings to Jolteon directly? As a hopeless romantic Eeveelution fan myself, I vote yes! But whether Jolteon reciprocates…only future episodes will tell. In the meantime, I personally enjoy speculating on this icy tale of potential love against the odds.

The Verdict: Opposites Attract!

Considering all established evidence of hidden affection, intriguing personality contrasts that could complement perfectly, and their near-identical stat distribution, I argue Glaceon does likely have a secret yet intense crush on oblivious Jolteon. Her pride won‘t allow admitting it easily, but his fiery self-assurance has clearly chipped away at her usual icy armor.

Only time will tell whether Jolteon‘s lightning sparks Glaceon‘s frosted heart into reciprocal warmth. But I for one can‘t resist rooting for this unexpected yet beautifully compatible pairing. As they say, opposites attract – and these two Eeveelutions seem destined for each other, on and off the battlefield.

I‘d love to hear if pokemon fans agree with my analysis! Let me know your take on Glaceon x Jolteon potential in the comments below. Should I explore more speculative stories around unlikely pokemon pairings? This love doctor says the prognosis looks positive for these two!

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