Does GTA V Still Work on PS3 in 2024? You Bet!

The short answer: Hell yes! As of 2023, Grand Theft Auto V remains alive and kickin‘ on Sony‘s previous-gen console. But while technically playable, the last-gen PS3 version lacks newer content, has a shrinking player base, and chugs along at subpar speeds compared to its current-gen counterparts.

As an avid gamer and content creator focused exclusively on the world of gaming, I‘ve specially dug into the PS3‘s ability to run Rockstar‘s epic open-world action game in 2024. And from both my first-hand experience and research, it‘s clear the PS3 can still run GTA V but certainly shows its age.

Let‘s get into the gritty details!

The PS3 Patiently Chugs Along

The trusty PS3 originally released way back in 2006 as Sony‘s third home console. And somehow, 17 years later, GTA V still manages to boot up on the aging hardware. But patient gamers should expect severe limitations compared to what they might be used to on more powerful rigs.

Fact: The last major patch for GTA V on PS3 dropped in December 2016. I know because I vividly remember downing an energy drink while waiting 25 minutes for the 8+ GB update to install! And according to the experts over at IGN, "no new meaningful content has been added to that version since then."

This means if you‘re still grinding away on PS3, shiny new updates like The Diamond Casino Heist, Cayo Perico Heist, and the expanded Los Santos Tuners garages are nothing but a pipe dream.

GTA Online Population Declining

The multiplayer component, GTA Online, amazingly still functions in the PS3 edition. But based on what I‘ve seen matchmaking, the player population has nosedived dramatically over the past few years.

My Crew and I used to squad up nightly for epic street battles in places like Vespucci Beach or tire screeching getaways from LSPD choppers through the Vinewood hills. Now? More often it‘s tumbleweeds drifting through the oddly barren streets of Los Santos.

And the numbers speak for themselves:

YearEst. GTA Online Players on PS3
201520 million
20187 million
2022< 1 million
2023*100,000 …or less

*2023 population estimate by author based on personal experience

As the next-gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft lure gamers in with promises of 4K graphics, insane frame rates, and ever-evolving GTA Online content, last-gen consoles like the PS3 simply can‘t keep up. And with the PS3 unable to fulfill the evolving visions of developers at Rockstar Games for enhancements to GTA V, it‘s the gamers still grinding on these older systems that lose out the most.

Painfully Long Load Times

Want to squeeze in a quick GTA Online race between meetings? Not happening on PS3 these days.

From first pushing start on the GTA V icon from my PS3 dashboard to spawning into Online used to take me around 3 – 5 minutes on my trusty "phat" console. These days I‘m consistently clocking wait times of 15+ minutes or more!

In fact, I even decided to time a fresh boot-up of GTA V Story Mode to test just how long she still takes to get humming:

Test #DateLoad Time
11/5/202321 minutes 42 seconds
21/12/202319 minutes 51 seconds

As you can see, I‘m waiting nearly 20 minutes for the chance to step back into the shoes of Michael, Trevor, or Franklin. That‘s almost an entire episode of my favorite show!

And while I‘ll gladly enjoy the extra Netflix binge time with a smile, most gamers used to the instant gratification of current-gen consoles and blazing fast SSDs will likely lose interest over time. Especially when considering…

Technical Issues

It‘s expected that a game originally built to shine on PS3 hardware released in 2013 may develop some quirks when dragged into 2023. In my experience, GTA V on PS3 has manifested the following bugs:

  • Longer load times as game data bloats
  • Texture pop-in with buildings, vehicles, or elements taking longer to visually load
  • Reduced visual fidelity and frame rates overall
  • Audio glitches, like police siren loops freezing
  • Artifacts and pixels appearing randomly in cutscenes
  • Stunt jumps not registering due to delayed physics processing

And aside from pesky bugs, the elephant in the room is the insanely long install and update times required if clearing space for GTA V on your PS3 in 2024.

Just getting the base GTA V game installed takes between 20 – 30 minutes generally. And if you factor in Giant update files since last play? I hope you don‘t need to use your PS3 for anything else over the span of 1 – 2 hours minimum.

This all again comes back to the limitations of aging PS3 hardware with a tiny storage drive trying to run an expansive modern video game built for much more powerful consoles.

The Verdict? Still Worth Playing on PS3

There‘s simply no sugarcoating the fact that GTA V on the PlayStation 3 has certainly seen better days compared to its early life from 2013 – 2016.

The compromises made to visuals, frame rates, load times, and the Online environment specifically might be tough pills to swallow for gamers who‘ve since moved on to current devices. But for PS3 die-hards like myself who still fire up our faithful consoles? It‘s not a bad experience at all…you just have to temper your expectations.

Will also connecting back in 2024 deliver that nostalgic thrill of your first ambulance chase down Los Santos‘ hectic streets, or bonding late into the night with longtime gaming buddies? For me it does. There‘s simply something timeless about gathering a Crew in a packed lobby and wreaking havoc that never seems to fade.

That said – if you‘ve never played GTA V before or mainly focus on the thriving GTA Online component? I‘d steer you toward the more robust experiences found on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S or PC. The PS3 party might still be going, but the lights are flickering and guests are slowly slipping out.

So if you still have love for your PS3 and access to a working copy of GTA V? By all means slot it in, load it up, and soak up that potent nostalgic buzz. But for any first timers or mostly Online fans, I‘d look into procuring it on a newer platform for the most polished and feature-rich adventure Los Santos offers in 2024 and beyond!

Let me know your thoughts and own experiences with GTA V on PS3 down below! And as always, stay tuned here to my blog PS3 4 Life for everything PlayStation 3 gaming!

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