Yes, Gym Rat Carries Over in NBA 2K23 – With One Big Catch

As a long-time NBA 2K gamer and content creator, the first question I get asked about every new edition is: "Does the Gym Rat badge carry over to my new builds?"

And I‘m excited to confirm that the answer is yes…for Rebirth builds made after unlocking the badge in 2K23.

So if you create a new Rebirth player after earning Gym Rat, you‘re golden. But here‘s the big catch:

Any builds made before unlocking Gym Rat will NOT receive the badge retroactively.

In this guide from a passionate basketball gaming expert, I‘ll give you a comprehensive look at everything you need to know about bringing Gym Rat to your latest 2K23 build:

  • What Gym Rat does
  • Why it‘s so valuable
  • How to unlock it
  • Its new Rebirth rules
  • And more key questions answered

So lace up your kicks and get ready to sweat for this elite badge!

What Does the Gym Rat Badge Do?

In the basketball gaming scene, Gym Rat is special. Equipping this badge gives your MyPlayer a permanent +4 increase to all his Physical attributes:

  • Acceleration
  • Speed
  • Vertical
  • Strength
  • Stamina

Additionally, it boosts the maximum size of your Stamina meter so you can sprint and hustle for longer before getting tired.

I can‘t overstate how huge it is having your player perform at 100% capacity all game long. Your acceleration off the dribble will be lightning quick to beat defenders. You‘ll explode to the rim faster for more highlight dunks. And you can lock down opposing scorers for full possessions without losing steam.

Simply put…

Gym Rat turns you into a physical beast on the virtual court.

Now compare that to opponent builds lacking Gym Rat who get gassed jogging up and down a few times. It‘s an enormous competitive advantage.

That‘s why unlocking this badge and bringing it over to new Rebirth life cycles is so critical.

Unlocking the Gym Rat Badge in 2K23

In past 2Ks, there were rumors of glitches and shortcuts to get Gym Rat. But thankfully in 2K23, the process is straightforward with two guaranteed paths:

Complete the "Addicted to Sweat" Workout Quest

Talk to the Gatorade trainer in the facility. He‘ll give you a quest to finish 50 total workouts with at least 3 stars in each session.

  • Pro tip: Focus on the "+4 to Physicals" drills to maximize badge upgrades too.

Win a Championship in MyCareer

If your player wins a title while playing 50+ games in that season (games simulated once you become a starter do count), Gym Rat will automatically unlock.

Personally, I stacked up 20 workouts while leading my Milwaukee Bucks to the 2023 championship over the Clippers in 6 games. Giannis took home Finals MVP, and I walked away with new diamond-encrusted hardware and Gym Rat to start my next build.

So whether you‘d rather grind it out in the weight room or let your play do the talking during playoff runs, getting this elite badge is very feasible.

Why Gym Rat is So Valuable

I‘ve already touched on this, but it‘s worth emphasizing again…

Securing a permanent +4 boost to your player‘s physical tools is just outrageously good.

Most builds sacrifice one or more of these key athletic attributes due to the limits on attribute points during creation. But with Gym Rat‘s bonuses, you can push them all to elite levels.

  • Struggling to finish through contact or posterize defenders? Add strength.
  • Getting burnt defending quick guards on the perimeter? Boost that speed.
  • Not throwing down jaw-dropping alley-oops in The City? Prioritize more vertical.

You can tailor your extra physical prowess to fix any weaknesses while amplifying strengths.

And the extra Stamina is the cherry on top, keeping you playing like the Energizer Bunny even in sweaty competitive environments like The Rec.

That‘s why the elite gaming community considers Gym Rat an S-tier must-have badge. It can take builds to another level.

Does Gym Rat Carry Over to New 2K23 Builds?

Finally, let‘s get back to answering the key question that brought you here…

Does Gym Rat carry over to your new player once earned?

The answer depends on your Rebirth timeline.

If you create a new Rebirth player after unlocking Gym Rat on your main (either through workouts or winning a championship)…

👉 Yes, it will transfer! 👈

But if you made any previous builds before securing Gym Rat, they will NOT receive the badge retroactively.

So the takeaway is:

  • Post-Gym Rat Rebirth Builds = Yes
  • Pre-Gym Rat Rebirth Builds = No

Personally, I suggest locking in Gym Rat as soon as possible in your main MyCareer save. Not only will you ball out boosted by elite physical tools…

You‘ll also future-proof your next Rebirth experiment to be an athletic monster too! Then just rinse-and-repeat each season.

Other Important Gym Rat Questions

Let‘s wrap up this guide by answering some other popular Gym Rat questions:

Does Gym Rat Expire?

No! Once earned, the badge effects are permanent for that player across all game modes.

Can You Get Gym Rat Without The Quest?

No "shortcuts" this year – you must complete the quest or win a championship.

What Builds Benefit Most From Gym Rat?

Slashing finishers, versatile wings, and defensive stoppers. Maximizing athleticism helps them tremendously.

Do You Need Gym Rat Every Rebirth?

Yes, it will not automatically carry over from previous seasons like some badges. You need to re-earn it.

I hope this gives you a full picture on unlocking Gym Rat for your MyPlayers in 2K23 and transporting it to new Rebirth lives! Let me know down below if you have any other questions. Now back to the gym – these 4 extra attribute points won‘t earn themselves!

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