Does Hitman 3 Deluxe include everything?

The Short Answer

No, Hitman 3‘s Deluxe Edition does not include literally all Hitman content ever released. It contains the base Hitman 3 game along with some exclusive escalations, suits, items and behind-the-scenes content. But it does not incorporate previous Hitman games or all DLCs.

Unpacking the Deluxe Edition

Let‘s break down everything that IS included in the Hitman 3 Deluxe Edition:

  • Base Hitman 3 game
  • Deluxe Escalation Contracts – New challenging missions with special rules and unique rewards
  • Deluxe Suits and Items – Signature 47 suits and gear to augment playstyle
  • Digital Soundtrack – The official H3 soundtrack
  • Digital "World of Assassination" Book – An inside look at the trilogy‘s development
  • Developer Commentary – Insights directly from the H3 devs on making each new mission

So in essence, you get the core H3 experience plus extended challenges, outfits, items, music and behind-the-scenes content from the developers themselves. This expands replayability for existing fans and offers some cool collectibles for newcomers.

However, the Deluxe Edition does NOT feature:

  • Any content from previous Hitman games
  • Access passes allowing you to play H1 & H2 levels within H3
  • Additional H3 DLCs like Seven Deadly Sins

To experience absolutely everything across the full Hitman: World of Assassination trilogy, you‘d need to look into the Standard or Trilogy versions instead…

Deluxe vs Standard vs Trilogy: What‘s the Difference?

Let‘s compare what you obtain across some key Hitman 3 editions:

EditionIncludes Base H3Hitman 1 ContentHitman 2 ContentHitman 3 DLCs
  • Via Hitman 1 GOTY Access Pass
    ** Via Hitman 2 Standard Access Pass

As shown, the Standard Edition simply incorporates the base H3 game, while the Trilogy bundles that together with access passes to all content from the previous two Hitman installments.

This allows you to experience the entire anthology within H3, carrying progress across all three.

By The Numbers: Content Depth Across Editions

Let‘s analyze some key stats across the games:

Number of Main Missions per Hitman Installment

Hitman 1 Maps7
Hitman 2 Maps6
Hitman 3 Maps6

So in total, the full World of Assassination story features 19 sprawling main missions.

Estimated Game Length Per Edition

Hitman 3 Deluxe16 hours (Main Story)
Hitman 3 Standard16 hours
Hitman Trilogy63 hours (100% Completion)

Factor in all side content across three games, and the trilogy provides extreme depth, spanning potentially 60+ hours!

Sourcing Developer Wisdom

In an official IO Interactive blog post, Hitman 3‘s designers emphasize how the Deluxe Edition focuses specifically on enlarging H3:

"It includes the digital soundtrack, developer commentary, deluxe escalations and more."

Rather than incorporating past games, they wanted to offer longtime fans expanded endgame and a peek behind the creative curtain.

Meanwhile, the trilogy integration catalyzed over the past year:

"We will combine Hitman 3 with Hitman 1 and Hitman 2 in a single unified experience: HITMAN World of Assassination."

This anthology removes purchasing barriers, compiles everything sequentially, and enables playing past episodes within H3‘s superior engine.

Yet as IO says, this access remains separated from deluxe content and expansions:

"Everyone who owns Hitman 3 will still be able to get access to H1 and H2 through the existing Access Pass system."

In summary:

  • Deluxe = Enhanced H3 Experience
  • Trilogy = Entire H1-3 Storyline

They co-exist, focusing on different facets of the package.

My Take As a Devoted Hitman Fan

As someone whose sunk 600+ hours into these masterful immersive sims, I believe most fans will want to experience the full trilogy.

The interconnectivity creates incredible narrative payoffs while allowing you to see how the formula has evolved over time. The final mission in H3 is especially impactful after journeying across all preceding games in order.

However, for franchise newcomers just diving into H3‘s world, I‘d actually recommend the Deluxe Edition. The escalations provide fun self-contained challenges that organically teach you the intricacies of sandbox experimentation using special conditions. Plus, the director commentary gives brilliant insights into IO‘s process.

Down the line, you can always purchase access passes or the trilogy to see where it all began.

So in summary:

  • For series veterans, go with the Hitman Trilogy to continue your full adventure.
  • For H3 being your first rodeo, the Deluxe Edition offers the best on-ramp and bonus content.

Either way, you‘ll receive an amazing package! But I hope distinguishing precisely what‘s contained in each clears up the confusion. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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