Does Home Depot Have Bathrooms for Customers? (2023 Guide)

Home Depot is America‘s leading home improvement retailer, with over 2,000 cavernous stores stocking everything from lumber to lighting. With millions visiting Home Depot daily, it‘s no surprise that customers often need to use the restroom. This guide will provide all the details on the bathroom facilities at Home Depot stores.

Bathroom Overview

Every Home Depot store has public restrooms that both shoppers and employees can use during operating hours. Separate men‘s and women‘s bathrooms are available, each equipped with multiple private toilet stalls and sinks.

Basic amenities like toilet paper, paper towels, soap, and trash bins are restocked continuously to keep up with demand. And for accessibility, the restrooms have larger stalls to accommodate wheelchairs and walkers.

By the Numbers

To understand the scale of Home Depot‘s restroom facilities, here are some key stats:

  • 2,317 – Home Depot stores across the US, Canada, and Mexico as of 2022
  • ~115,000 sq ft – Average size of a Home Depot store
  • 2+ – Number of women‘s stalls per standard store
  • 3+ – Number of men‘s stalls due to higher demand
  • ~1 million – Estimated daily Home Depot shoppers across all stores

With millions of customers visiting Home Depot bathrooms each week, cleanliness and maintenance are top priorities.

Where to Find the Restrooms

Since Home Depot stores are so spacious, the restroom locations can vary:

  • Near the front entrance for quick access
  • Centrally located for easy access from any part of the store
  • By the break room for employee convenience

Larger format stores may have multiple restroom locations to prevent long walks. If you can‘t easily locate them, any store employee can point you in the right direction.

Special Amenities

While the bathrooms cater to everyday needs, Home Depot also provides amenities for families and shoppers with disabilities:

  • Baby changing stations in both men‘s and women‘s restrooms
  • Adult changing tables for shoppers with special needs
  • Family restrooms at some locations to accommodate parents with children
  • Fully accessible stalls with grab bars and wheelchair clearance

These special amenities emphasize Home Depot‘s commitment to serving all customers.

Keeping Restrooms Sanitary

With constant traffic, keeping restrooms clean is critical. Home Depot utilizes the following practices:

  • Professional cleaners sanitize restrooms daily
  • Bacteria-killing disinfectants used on all surfaces
  • Team members perform spot checks and restock supplies continually
  • Swapping traditional towels for air dryers reduces bacteria

By staying on top of sanitation, Home Depot provides shoppers with a reliably clean, comfortable restroom experience.

Tips for Using Home Depot‘s Bathrooms

To make the most of Home Depot‘s restroom facilities, keep these tips in mind:

  • Locate restrooms right when entering a new store
  • Have your child use the restroom before shopping to avoid emergencies
  • Visit customer service if the restroom needs urgent attention
  • Carry hand sanitizer if bathrooms are crowded


With spacious, clean facilities and special accommodations, Home Depot‘s restrooms let you take care of business and continue shopping comfortably. So next time you‘re tackling big home projects at Home Depot, feel free to use their bathrooms worry-free.

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