Does Jetstream Sam‘s Sword Have a Name?

Yes, the deadly high-frequency katana wielded by cybersamurai Jetstream Sam is officially named the Murasama Blade. Crafted as an enhanced replica of a legendary Japanese sword, this weapon‘s cutting power and fearsome style complements Sam‘s lightning-fast techniques.

Legend of the Murasama

The Murasama Blade takes its name from the master swordsmith Murasama Sengo, who founded the Murasama school and lived during the Muromachi period (14th-16th century) in what is now Kuwana, Mie, Japan. His actual works, marked by a distinct wood-grain pattern on the blade, are considered national treasures.

The name also references Murasame, a fictional sword that appears in the novel Nansō Satomi Hakkenden. So the HF Murasama combines inspirations from Japanese history and mythology to create an appropriately storied weapon for a warrior like Sam.

Murasama Blade

Jetstream Sam wielding the deadly Murasama Blade

Specs and Abilities

According to Metal Gear lore, the HF Murasama is an enhanced replica of an 8th century straight Chokuto sword originally made for Emperor Shomu. Lacking curvature, these swords focused incredible cutting power through sheer chopping force.

The high-frequency vibration rate unique to Murasama sets it apart from all other blades and allows it to slice through virtually anything with little resistance. This makes it the perfect weapon for cyborgs like Sam with enhanced reflexes and strength.

TypeHigh frequency Chokuto katana
Lengthapprox. 100cm
Cutting PowerExceptional
Other FeaturesID Locked to Sam

The Murasama also shares a faster vibration rate compared to even Raiden‘s specialized HF Blade. This is why Sam can block Raiden‘s strikes during their battles, despite Raiden‘s superior cyborg modifications otherwise.

Perfectly Matched to Sam‘s Style

Sam Battles

Sam‘s swordplay matches his Brazilian samurai flair

Jetstream Sam‘s editions as a cyborg are minimal compared to foes like Raiden – he retains his human brain and body from the neck down. His skill with the katana (codenamed Bladewolf MGR) thus relies purely on talent rather than electronic enhancements.

Sam‘s flowing, almost dance-like movements as he dashes around the battlefield would be impossible with a heavier blade. The Murasama‘s speed and cutting power thus perfectly match his brazen, lightning-quick capoeira style.

Sam also uses the sword in unconventional ways fitting his flair – such as stabbing it into the ground to use as a pole for aerial kicks. The durability of his specialized Murasama makes these reckless tactics possible.

"This sword – the only tool I have relied on as a fighter – has never let me down." – Jetstream Sam

The Meaning of Murasama

Why would a modern cyborg wield an antiquated weapon like a sword? For Sam, the katana represents the soul of the samurai: honor, skill, and duty above all. His Murasama, passed down through Brazilian history, likely symbolizes the pride in his cultural heritage.

Sam could easily use heavier blades or firearms like other elite cyborg Mercs, but he sticks loyally to his Murasama as part of his code. This makes the climactic battle between his treasured sword and Raiden‘s advanced cyborg tech all the more meaningful.

In the end, Sam bequeaths the weapon to Raiden as a sign of respect. The Murasama Blade thus becomes a literal representation of Raiden inheriting Sam‘s spiritual legacy as a warrior.

Theories on the Sword‘s Origins

Little is definitively known of the HF Murasama‘s origins. Given its high-tech nature yet ancient style, fans speculate it could be:

  • A modern recreation by advanced forging techniques
  • An actual 16th century blade enhanced with modern tech
  • A weapon originating from the far future brought to the past
  • Of extraterrestrial origin from an alien culture inspired by samurai history

Sam claims only he can wield the weapon, but theories abound on whether someone else (say, a certain cyborg ninja) could master the deadly Murasama. More of the legendary blade‘s history could be revealed in future Metal Gear installments!

An Iconic Weapon from an Iconic Game

The Murasama Blade stands out as one of the most memorable weapons in the entire Metal Gear saga. Its elegant design belies lethal efficiency just like its master Sam. And the sword remains an indelible reminder of the Brazilian samurai‘s code of honor.

So in summary – yes, Jetstream Sam‘s signature katana does have a name as storied as the sword itself. It comes from history both real and imagined to be wielded by one of gaming‘s most audacious fighters, making the HF Murasama Blade an essential part of Metal Gear lore.

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