Does Joining the Stormcloaks Affect Anything in Skyrim?

As a passionate Skyrim gamer, I can definitively say that yes, joining the Stormcloak rebellion has major effects across different parts of the game. Based on expert analysis and my extensive personal experience, siding with Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak against Imperial forces impacts politics, faction ties, quest progression, and general gameplay.

Shifts the Political Landscape

Backing the Stormcloaks tilts the civil war storyline focus to their perspective and desired outcomes. With the Dragonborn‘s aid, their military position strengthens, enabling Ulfric to unseat Imperial Jarls in holds like Whiterun, Dawnstar, and Riften.

This table summarizes the Jarls replaced after key battles or missions:

HoldImperial JarlNew Stormcloak Jarl
WhiterunBalgruufVignar Grey-Mane
FalkreathSiddgeirDengeir of Stuhn
RiftenMaven Black-Briar (after Imperial-side quest)Laila Law-Giver
DawnstarSkald the ElderBrina Merilis
WinterholdKorirUlfric Stormcloak

According to Redditor MrCriminalScum, seasoned Elder Scrolls gamers:

"The aftermath of the Civil War is much different between the two sides…sometimes in minor ways, but you do see a difference."

So the political leadership and governance of multiple hold capitals shifts based on allegiance with clear consequences.

Changes Faction Dynamics

Backing Ulfric also influences how different Skyrim groups and guilds interact with the Dragonborn due to sympathy or hostility against the rebellion.

For instance, The Companions being traditional Nords support Stormcloak goals while The College shows Imperial leanings according to fans on r/Skyrim. The die-hard rebel Galmar Stone-Fist even appreciates recruiting a Companion into the Stormcloak ranks.

However, Imperial groups like Penitus Oculatus and Legion-aligned Jarls understandably turn adversarial against what they view as rebel-supporting outlaws. This alters questing and combat considerably in provinces under Imperial control versus Stormcloak liberation.

Stormcloak Faction Image

Shifts Story and Quest Focus

Siding with Ulfric locks Dragonborn characters into that branch of the civil war storyline rather than the Imperial Legion side. Experienced players advise this has tangible effects:

"Who wins the civil war will impact the rest of your game, [changing] dialogue, Jarls, guards, and more" – officially_anxious via Reddit.

Main plot moments like negotiating a temporary truce to defeat Alduin play out differently with altered dialogue reflecting chosen allegiances. Likewise, a Stormcloak victory concluding the civil war has a very distinct tone and outcome compared to an Imperial reunification.

Alters Gameplay Experience

Across the board, standing with the Sons of Skyrim reshapes core gameplay elements in palpable ways:

  • Different Enemies – Imperial troops replace bandits across different zones. Patrols actively seek out Stormcloak-aligned Dragonborns.
  • New Followers – Stormcloak soldiers can be recruited asfollowers granting different combat options.
  • Unique Gear – Special Stormcloak armor and weapons become available.
  • Alternate Dungeons – New radiant protagonist vs antagonist quests open up different dungeon delves.

In combination, these change combat, crafting, exploration, questing and follower interactions dramatically.

So in summary, members of the Skyrim modding and theorycrafting community generally agree that siding with Ulfric Stormcloak and his rebellion has significant effects on the world, story, factions and moment-to-moment action compared to staying neutral or backing the Empire. The differences manifest distinctly across enough key elements that it tangibly alters overall gameplay and immersion.

Final Takeaway

For any passionate Elder Scrolls gamer, choosing Ulfric‘s cause shifts the very soul of the Dragonborn‘s adventure through Skyrim. Between aligning with his noble aspirations of religious freedom or merely using the growing rebellion as an ends to power, standing with the Stormcloaks reshapes the political and literal battlefield in exciting ways.

So does joining the Stormcloak rebellion affect anything in Skyrim? Resoundingly, yes – and dedicated players relish the opportunity to experience a more chaotic and open-ended balance of power at war across Tamriel‘s frozen north.

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