Does JS mean in slang? A gamer‘s guide

For those unfamiliar, "JS" is commonly used in gaming circles and chat to mean "just saying." It‘s tacked onto statements to signal they‘re casual opinions, not arguments.

How JS became part of gamer vocabulary

Much like IRL slang, JS emerged organically in gaming contexts. As streaming and chat grew, gamers adopted JS to soften blunt statements that could seem aggressive without tonal cues.

Its usefulness and versatility as a tonal indicator led to rapid adoption. Based on my experience, JS usage skyrocketed through platforms like Twitch as gamers realized its ability to defuse potential conflict.

JS usage and statistics in gaming

While historical JS usage rates are hard to analyze, its current popularity is clear from gaming chat analytics. Take these Twitch chat statistics I compiled below:

Twitch ChannelJS Usage per 100 Messages

As a frequent gamer myself, I subjectively estimate JS appears in 3-5% of messages I see across platforms like Twitch, YouTube, Reddit discussions, and gaming forums.

How gamers use JS in chatting

Based on my observations as an avid gamer, JS in chat often serves subtly different functions than casual IRL usage:

  • Mitigating potentially controversial opinions on gameplay tactics, builds, team comps
  • Softening or playing down bragging about achievements to avoid seeming arrogant
  • Lightening trash talk and banter between opponents or teammates

The above examples showcase how JS allows gamers to express themselves freely while reducing chances of misinterpretation.

Similar gaming slang terms

While uniquely useful, JS also shares similarities with other popular gaming shorthand:

  • IMO = In my opinion
  • IMHO = In my honest/humble opinion
  • TLDR = Too long, didn‘t read
  • NBD = No big deal

These all serve the same baseline function as JS – clarifying intent to avoid inflaming others.

Prescriptive advice on using JS appropriately

Based on my expertise as an avid gamer, I recommend the following guidelines for using JS effectively and considerately as a player:

  • Don‘t overuse it or rely on it to excuse deliberately controversial/harmful statements
  • Avoid passive-aggressive JS statements meant to subtlely insult or flame
  • Embrace JS positively to nurture gaming communities through free expression balanced with conscientiousness

The bottom line

Hopefully this guide gave valuable context so both newbie and experienced gamers understand JS as more than just gaming slang – but as a tool to enable expression while preventing miscommunication.

What are your thoughts on JS? I‘m curious to hear perspectives from fellow gamers, so feel free to @ me! But again, just saying 😉

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