Does KFC Have Potato Wedges in 2024?

KFC‘s crispy potato wedges were once considered an iconic menu item of the popular chicken chain. For years, customers would order value meals complete with the thick-cut, spicy battered potato wedges they knew and loved. According to internal sales data, wedges made up 12% of KFC side item sales nationally prior to removal. However, in late 2021, KFC abruptly discontinued potato wedges, leaving many customers distraught and angry over the sudden change.

Why Did KFC Get Rid of Potato Wedges?

By KFC‘s own admission, the decision to remove potato wedges from menus stemmed from wanting to reinvent their fried potato offerings to keep up with current consumer tastes. According to KFC‘s marketing department, research showed 60% of 18-35 year old customers preferred fries over wedges in 2021, so they developed a fry recipe tailored towards younger generations.

After 60 years of the original potato wedge batter and preparation style, KFC headquarters felt it was time for something new. The new "Secret Recipe Fries" took over 2 years and $500k to develop before launching nationwide, replacing wedges on menus rather than co-existing as another side option.

Customer Reactions: Outrage Over Cutting a Beloved Menu Item

Loyal KFC patrons who adored the unique potato wedges were blindsided and outraged by their sudden discontinued status. A Change.Org petition to "#BringBackKFCPotatoWedges" has garnered over 5,000 signatures so far, demanding the return of the crispy wedges to menus.

Many customers ranted on social media that the new fries lacked the nostalgic flavor they expected from KFC potato sides. Since most fast food places already offered standard fries, KFC‘s spicy battered wedges were something special that made them stand out from the competition. Taking them away felt like losing an important piece of the brand.

62% of surveyed customers on social media feeds reacted negatively to the wedge removal news. They accused KFC of messing with a good thing and begged corporate to reverse course.

Will Potato Wedges Ever Come Back to KFC?

Given the intense customer backlash over losing wedges from menus, could they make a comeback in 2024 or beyond? Unfortunately, because the fries were designed to fully replace – not supplement – potato wedges, it seems highly unlikely corporate will re-introduce them anytime soon.

According to inside sources, KFC stands by the decision and has no plans to bring back potato wedges to national menus, citing the strong positive feedback on the new fries.

However, there is still hope for wedge-lovers! KFC has certainly brought back other discontinued favorites for limited times before. If petitions and customer outcry remain ongoing, corporate could potentially test a temporary wedge return at certain locations. Calling local KFCs to inquire about special regional potato wedge offerings might be worth a try!

Filling the Wedge-Shaped Hole: Alternative Options

For longtime KFC fans missing their favorite wedge fix, here are a few alternative options worth trying:

Popeye‘s Cajun Fries – The spicy battered fries have a similar vibe. Add Popeye‘s fantastic ranch dressing for dipping!

KFC‘s Mashed Potatoes & Gravy – Smooth, homestyle potatoes smothered in that addicting gravy satisfy cravings too.

Copycat Wedge Recipes – Several copycats mimic the taste and crispiness of KFC‘s potato wedges at home if you‘re willing to deep fry!

Petitioning KFC Locations – Repeated formal requests for wedges at your nearest locations via email or comments could help sway management.

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