Does killing Tragoth do anything in Elden Ring? Hell yeah it does!

You bet your last rune it does! As part of Patches‘ Volcano Manor questline, offing the friendly Tarnished warrior Great Horned Tragoth nets you his highly coveted Bull-Goat armor set. But there‘s implications beyond playing fashion souls. Tragoth‘s helped countless Tarnished score rare gear through his duels. His death could ripple through the Lands Between.

See, in my 130 hours with Elden Ring so far, I‘m convinced murdering NPCs isn‘t just about loot. It can change quests, unlock new dialogue, even affect the endings you get. And taking out Tragoth is no exception. This white-haired beast of a warrior has ties to multiple key characters. Killing him does way more than set your drip to 11/10.

Where to find and crush Tragoth

Ruin-Strewn Precipice OverlookInside Magma Wyrm Makar‘s boss room after resting at the Site of Grace

That‘s right, you‘ll invade this heavy metal gladiator at the same precipice where you likely defeated Makar. Interact with the telling red glow once the swirling mist gates to other worlds appear. Then commence an epic showdown with Tragoth himself!

  • Pro tip: Using spirit ashes helps even the odds. Tragoth hits like a runaway carriage.
  • Pro tip 2: Magic builds can cheese him with ranged attacks from the higher level.

Now let‘s get into…

What in the Lands Between does killing Tragoth actually affect?

Saddle up, tarnished. We‘re going deep on this.

Killing Tragoth impacts:

  • Volcano Manor Questline
  • Patches and Tanith Questlines
  • Varre‘s Questline
  • Obtaining the Bull-Goat Armor Set
  • Multiplayer Experience

And potentially more we don‘t even know about yet. Miyazaki loves his secrets.

Let‘s break it down:

Volcano Manor and Recusant Finger Questlines

Offing Tragoth is one of several assassinations you undertake for Volcano Manor. While not required, it progresses the legacy of Recusant Bernahl and the manors ties to the Frenzied Flame.

So far we know slaying Brother Tragoth:

  • Furthers Volcano Manor contracts
  • Affects dialogue with Patches, Tanith, Knight Bernahl and others
  • Cuts off certain rewards and content if done too early

I‘ve slain countless Tarnished for Volcano Manor. My advice? Seek audience with Lord Rykard before cutting down Tragoth and the Volcano Manor crew. That demonic serpent rewards those who fullfil the manor‘s dark ambitions.

Also, you can‘t obtain every reward across a single playthrough. Choose wisely.

Patches and Tanith Questline Rewards

Killing Tragoth is a key step for those scoundrels Patches and Tanith too. Patches asks you outright to off his old pal. Creepy leader Tanith also references your FCC (Friendly Tragoth Casualty).

What you‘ll get by putting Tragoth down:
  • Patches: Volcano Manor accent chair furniture
  • Tanith: Further serpentine corruption

And yeah, the Bull-Goat Set which we‘ll cover in depth shortly.

Other impacts:

  • Patches won‘t sell the Prayerbook or Bestial Constitution
  • More sinister serpant imagery appears in Volcano Manor
  • Closer ties with the Recusant Fingers

So for those who roleplay the dark path, killing Tragoth pays off in sinister rewards.

Varre‘s Questline

This bloodlusted Bloody Finger also references slaying Brother Tragoth when speaking to him at the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of grace. He‘ll chuckle "Tragoth was always a fool" in his signature villainous voice.

Varre offers additional rewards for becoming Lord of Chaos and unlocking the frenzied flame ending:

  • Varre‘s White Mask helm
  • Lord of Blood‘s Favor talisman
  • Mensis Rune arcane spell

Now personally, I think pillaging maiden blood and burning the Erdtree beats joining Mohg any day. But for those who covet power above all else, killing Tragoth seemingly furthers Varre‘s questline as well.

Bull-Goat Armor Set

And let‘s not forget the marquee reward: Tragoth‘s badass Bull-Goat armor set! Veterans praise this outfit for its poise, defense and drip factor. Here‘s an overview:

Armor PiecePoiseWeight
Bull-Goat Helm187.5
Bull-Goat Armor2815.4
Bull-Goat Gauntlets146.7
  • Highest poise in the game currently
  • Bull motif ties to the beast champion hero Nepheli Loux
  • Badass cape seals the drippin‘ deal

Personally, I mix the Bull-Goat set with the Scaled Armor chest piece. Optimizes poise and defense at a slightly lighter equip load.

Veteran Tarnished praise this armor for tank builds and heavy weapons that demand higher poise. While killing Tragoth locks you out of his future rewards, the Bull-Goat set alone is worth it.

Multiplayer Experience

Slaying poor Tragoth also affects the multiplayer scene. Players can no longer summon Brother Tragoth for challenging duels at the Prayer Room Site of Grace. He offered 3,000+ runes and rare smithing stones for besting him.

RIP those rune farming opportunities. Hopefully we get a way to revive or absolve sins against NPCs in a future update.

So in summary:

  • Removes Tragoth‘s summon sign
  • Locks you out of farming runes/items from him

On the flip side, his armor remains a popular trading item for players. I‘ve swapped entire weapon and spell sets for Bull-Goat pieces at the Church of Elleh grace.

Final Thoughts

If you couldn‘t tell already, I‘m 100% on #TeamTragoth. Dude was just braving the frigid mountains seeking an honorable fight. He definitely didn‘t deserve to die alone in that ashen hellscape.

But I admit sacrificing Tragoth has some wicked rewards for certain builds. That fealty to Volcano Manor opens chaotic opportunities well-suited for Frenzied Flame faithful.

However, I wish FromSoft gave us a path to absolution somehow. Maybe with a steep rune cost or completing an obscure side quest. Because the Lands Between feels more empty without Brother Tragoth‘s warrior code pushing us to be better.

So in summary: Killing Tragoth shakes up various questlines and snags you incredibly rare gear. But the cost just might outweigh what you gain. You be the judge.

Let me know what you decide, tarnished! Does chasing loot beat keeping camaraderie and honor?

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