Yes, Kitana does have fans

As one of Mortal Kombat‘s most popular and recognizable characters, Princess Kitana has built a reputation equally around her noble Edenian heritage and lethal proficiency with her signature weapons – the war fans. Known as "steel fans" in most MKdescriptions, these custom-forged, razor-sharp folding fans are Kitana‘s weapon of choice for slicing up opponents in close quarters or from long range when thrown.

An Iconic Weapon to Match An Iconic Character

First introduced in Mortal Kombat II, Kitana‘s fans have become beloved almost as much as the princess herself among franchise fans. This is likely due to how uniquely the quick steel fans complement Kitana‘s graceful fighting style and intricate combos, played out by skilled gamers. As daughter of Edenia‘s king and queen, Kitana‘s regal upbringing informs her balanced, elegant combat techniques while still remaining ruthlessly aggressive against rivals like Mileena, Jade and Sindel.

Key Details on Kitana‘s Steel War Fans

  • Constructed from strong, lightweight metals to allow throwing
  • Razor-sharp edges capable of inflicting deep lacerations
  • Folded steel design facilitates easy concealment and transport
  • Blue and silver coloring matches Kitana‘s iconic leotard costumes
  • Aerodynamic form factor for accurate ranged attacks

Capable of slicing opponents both up close and at distance, Kitana‘s steel fans offer excellent versatility and suit her varied attacking style. Their concealable nature even enables Kitana to surprise enemies by suddenly drawing her fans during close-up fights.

Technical Specifications

Length (Extended)Approx. 18 inches
Weight0.5 lbs each
EdgingSharpened steel
Alloys UsedReforged Edenian steel, titanium

Produced from the finest metals available in her home realm of Edenia, Kitana‘s war fans stand up to heavy use and recoil from throwing, while retaining their lethality. This durability and balance helps explain Kitana‘s smooth combat flow – unlike heavier melee weapons, the fans seamlessly integrate both attack phases.

War Fan Move Sets and Game Impact

A weapon is only as effective as the skill of its wielder, and none utilize steel war fans in Mortal Kombat as well as Kitana. The unique moves unlocked by her war fan techniques underpin her playing style across every Mortal Kombat title she appears in:

Signature War Fan Techniques

  • Fan Throw – Kitana‘s iconic ranged attack, allows up to three fans thrown at once.
  • Fan Lift – Uses war fans to make opponents airborne for juggle combos.
  • Pretty Kick – Signiature move using the fans to slice at her foes‘ ankles.
  • Fan-Nado – Spinning wieidling fans to reflect projectiles back at the enemy.

Augmenting her kicks, acrobatics and other maneuvers, Kitana‘s war fan attacks have appeared in every Mortal Kombat game featuring the popular heroine. Even in her undead "Revenant" incarnation or evil "Klassic" version, Kitana retains the fans as a key element of her fighting repertoire.

While their damage and effects adjust for game balance, war fans remain core to Kitana‘s moveset. In the hands of a skilled player, chaining war fan techniques like Fan Lift and Pretty Kick in complex strings is crucial to winning higher-level matches with the princess.

How War Fans Define Kitana in MK Games

Mortal Kombat II (1993)Introduced war fans moveset
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (1995)Added ranged and combo fan attacks
Mortal Kombat 11 (2019)Fans integral to newFatal Blow and Krushing Blowfinishers

As these examples demonstrate, Kitana‘s steel war fans have been part of her core fighting style across her entire MK game history. Their agile, hard-hitting implementation by players also means the weaponry has grown more elaborated and lethal in newer sequels. Mortal Kombat 11 showcases the war fans‘ deadly potential more than ever before.

How Other Characters Use War Fans

While definitely Kitana‘s signature, other Mortal Kombat ladies also utilize war fans in their own unique ways:

  • Mileena – Kitana‘s evil "sister" clone sometimes wields sais or fans.
  • Jade – As Kitana‘s friend, she uses glaive staff and war fans too.
  • Khameleon – Obscure ninja with spinning war fans as main gear.

However, none achieve Kitana levels of flashy fan-based fighting finesse! Between the intricate animations and satisfying sound effects, war fans feel truly alive in Kitana‘s hands, dynamically responding to player inputs. It‘s this satisfying gameplay feedback that likely endears Kitana devotees towards her steel folding weapons – they feel like natural extensions of the princess herself.

The flawless fusion between elegant yet vicious war fan styles and Kitana‘s noble assassin character concept means she just wouldn‘t be the same without them. Even if her arsenal expands in future MK titles, expect steel war fans to stay her bread-and-butter!

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