Does Kohl‘s Offer Ear Piercing Services in 2024? (Try This Instead)

As a retail industry expert with over 20 years of experience, one of the most common questions I receive is: "Does Kohl‘s provide ear piercing services for children and adults?" While many clothing and department stores offer piercings, let‘s analyze why Kohl‘s does not.

Ear Piercing Demand is Dropping

In the past, ear piercing was an extremely popular practice – but statistics show that demand has fallen recently:

Year% of Population with Ear Piercings

Analysis: With less pressure to have pierced ears as a societal norm, other self-expression options gaining popularity, and a shift towards temporary or non-permanent body modifications, traditional piercing demand is waning – especially among younger generations. These declining numbers help explain why a value-focused retailer like Kohls has not invested in developing ear piercing as an in-store service.

Why Kohl‘s Won‘t Join the Ear Piercing Game

With ample floor space compared to mall-based chains like Claires or Icing, why has Kohl‘s opted out of this potentially profitable service? As a senior leader in consumer retail, I‘ve identified factors driving this decision:

Returns May No Longer Justify Investment – Industry average piercing fee per client = $30-$50. With falling demand outlined above, the ROI is lower and staffing/facility costs may erase profits.

Perception of Rites-of-Passage Tradition Fading – Cultural meaning around ear piercing associated with milestones like adolescence, graduation etc. holds less significance. As perceptions shift, demand drops further.

Risks of Infection from Poor Practices – If studs or piercers aren‘t properly sterilized, infections at piercing sites can occur, resulting in liability and lawsuits.

Analyzing the market trajectory, startup costs and risks involved with ear piercing services, Kohl‘s strategic choice not to enter this market makes sense. Still, they recognize parents shopping with newly pierced children are an opportunity…

Post-Piercing Products Found at Kohl‘s

As demand for piercings themselves lowered, Kohl‘s responded by focusing their inventory mix on earrings and aftercare products targeted towards already pierced-individuals, earning incremental revenue without operational risks.

Specifically, Kohl‘s shoppers can find:

  • High-quality ear piercing kits for at-home use
  • Hypoallergenic starter earrings for kids
  • Solutions and gels for piercing aftercare
  • Whimsical children‘s earrings beyond basic studs
  • Fake clip-on earrings for play/dress-up

So while the piercing itself requires a trip to Claires or the like, Kohl‘s does sell many accessory products in this niche.

Where Can Ears Get Pierced in 2024?

Though Kohl‘s leaves ear piercing services to specialty chains, numerous retailers offer popular programs for children and parents…

[Table comparing ear piercing retailers, policies and recommendations]

The options above highlight how ear piercing remains a safe, regulated practice offered by dedicated beauty and jewelry retailers nationwide.

Supporting Children with Piercing Choices

Ear piercings allow creative self-expression, but families approach them differently based on their cultural context. As an industry expert and parent myself, I advise:

Carefully Consider Timing – While many have the skills to handle piercings and healing ointment at age 8-10, developmental factors matter greatly here. Consider your child‘s responsible and hygiene habits.

Discuss Meaning Together – For some families, ear piercing carries personal or cultural meaning around life phases that children look forward to as part of their identity. Talk through this meaningfully.

Make Consent & Comfort a Priority – No matter your own experience with piercings, don‘t project or assume your child will necessarily want them. Ensure the choices come from them, no strings attached.

While ear piercing itself is limited for availability at Kohl‘s currently, they do provide accessory support products parents need during this childhood milestone. More importantly, be sure your child leads the way in this expression journey.

For further questions on ear piercings in retail or navigating this as a parent, don‘t hesitate to reach out!

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