Will Korblox Become Free in Roblox?

As of February 2023, despite wishful thinking from many players, there remains no hard evidence indicating the rare and valuable Korblox bundle will be made available for free by Roblox. While rumors may continue circulating, Roblox has provided no official confirmation of plans to give away this coveted virtual item.

What is Korblox?

For the uninitiated, Korblox is a bundle containing dark bladed helmet and spiked shoulder armor which first went on sale in June 2015 for 4,500 Robux. It was created by user shadow7777777, known in the Roblox design community.

Over the years, as Korblox was taken off the market and resold at higher prices, its rarity and demand grew tremendously. Prices eventually ballooned from initial 4.5k Robux to 17k Robux by 2022.

Today, Korblox remains highly coveted and owning it brings prestige. Only about 5.2% of Roblox accounts currently possess Korblox based on rarity index sites. Its rising price and scarcity fuels desire.

Analyzing Rumors of Korblox Going Free

In October 2022, speculation blew up on TikTok and other social channels claiming Korblox would be made free on October 27. Where did this rumor originate and is it reliable?

Digging deeper, it appears someone posted fake picture of Roblox tweet declaring the giveaway. This image spread rapidly through the community until the date passed without any free Korblox.

As a gaming expert myself, analyzing these sort of rumors, my assessment is there was little actual merit. Roblox gives no early notice before making rare paid items free.

However, hope springs eternal and the idea of scoring an expensive cosmetic like Korblox for free undoubtedly appealed to portions of the playerbase. But wishful thinking does not make something true.

DateKorblox Price
June 20154,500 Robux
October 202217,000 Robux

Precedent With Other Rare Items

While Korblox going free may seem unlikely, Roblox has given away coveted items before. Have similar surprises happened?

The best example is Dominus Frigidus, an ice crown only 1,000 players originally owned. Shockingly, Roblox made it free in February 2022 via codes from toy packages. Likewise for Clockwork Headphones.

Does this set precedent for Korblox someday being given away? In my expert analysis, while not impossible, Korblox remains more valuable and rare than those previous items.

As Roblox‘s biggest money maker, they would stand to lose substantial revenue making something so premium accessible freely. The other items given away likely earned less actual income.

Predicting the Future

Could Korblox still someday join the free item ranks? As a devoted Roblox gamer myself, part of me hopes to get lucky. The developer in me expects Roblox to keep maximizing profits.

Realistically, I predict Korblox stays paid-only for the foreseeable future. However, as history shows, surprising giveaways can happen. My advice to fellow players dreaming of Korblox remains guarded optimism rather than absolute pessimism even in face of rumors.

The Verdict?

So does Korblox have any real shot at going free? While crazier things have happened in the world of gaming freebies, right now signs point to no – the clear evidence still weighs strongly against Korblox being made freely available based on current information.

Of course with a game as creative as Roblox, players have learned to expect the unexpected! But Korblox owners can likely rest easy for 2023 knowing their precious helmets should maintain immense value. For non-owners, keep wishing upon that star and maybe luck will defy the odds!

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