Does Kratos Kill Athena in God of War 3?

Yes, Kratos unfortunately delivers the finishing blow that kills the Goddess Athena towards the climax of God of War 3. After supporting Kratos across multiple games, Athena mysteriously turns against him in a critical moment. When she leaps in front of Zeus to protect her father, a stunned Kratos impales Athena instead. This heart-wrenching accident shocks both characters and clearly devastates Kratos.

As a hardcore God of War fan who has analyzed every detail across the iconic franchise, I was blown away by this tragic plot twist in God of War 3. In this deep dive guide, I‘ll cover:

  • The history between Kratos and Athena leading up to her death
  • A closer look at how the tragic fight plays out
  • Kratos‘ immense regret and grief over killing her
  • Athena‘s lasting impact even as a spirit in future games
  • Why her death is one of the most pivotal moments in the series

So whether you‘re a die-hard God of War veteran craving nostalgia or a new player hyped for Ragnarök, let‘s reminisce on Athena‘s iconic death scene together.

A Complex History Spanning Multiple Games

Athena was a consistent presence across several God of War games before Kratos unwittingly kills her. As the Goddess of Wisdom and Kratos‘ longtime supporter, her eventual betrayal and demise in God of War III is a huge dramatic twist.

Across five games, Athena evolves from Kratos‘ ally to enemy:

  • Ascension (2013): As the youngest Olympian, Athena convinces the other gods to spare Kratos and make him the new God of War after he kills Ares. She elevates him to a god, becoming his ally and mentor early on.

  • Chains of Olympus (2008): Athena continues serving as a guide for Kratos here. When the sun disappears due to Helios‘ kidnapping, she urges Kratos to save Helios and restore light to the mortal world.

  • God of War 1 (2005): Athena initally supports Kratos‘ revenge against Ares, serving as the catalyst for his epic god-slaying journey. Their bond strengthens after his triumph, the goddess praising Kratos for freeing her from Ares.

  • Ghost of Sparta (2010): Set between God of War 1 & 2, this entry focused more on Kratos‘ personal journey. Athena appears briefly to warn him against raging blindly at the gods. Here, tensions subtly emerge in their once amicable relationship.

  • God of War 2 (2007): As Kratos wages war on Mt. Olympus itself, Athena tries harder to stop his suicidal rampage. She wants to avoid Zeus striking him down for defiling their sacred mountain but fails to deter the defiant Ghost of Sparta.

The Death Scene: A Tragic Fight Between Mentor and Mentee

The God of War games build towards an epic confrontation between Kratos and Zeus. But Athena throws an unexpected wrench into this long-awaited showdown. After falling into the River Styx to gain an audience with the King of the Gods, Kratos finally corners Zeus.

What follows next is arguably the most pivotal scene in God of War 3:

As Kratos charges Zeus, Athena suddenly appears trying to protect her father. She spreads her arms wide, defiantly standing between Zeus and certain death. "You will not touch him!" she yells at Kratos.

Stunned, Kratos tries to stop his deadly thrust. But his momentum carries the Blade of Olympus directly into Athena‘s abdomen. Athena gasps in pain and disbelief, speared by her former protégé.

Watching Athena die by his hand, Kratos is horrified. "Why do you sacrifice yourself?!" he cries out. Athena touches Kratos‘ face affectionately and replies: "To save Olympus." Her body limp, Kratos gently lays Athena down, closing her eyes before glaring bitterly at Zeus.

This entire sequence is brilliantly executed, ratcheting up the drama. It‘s almost Shakespearean seeing the former master and student clash: Athena desperately shielding her father from Kratos’ wrath. Meanwhile, Kratos seems devastated realizing he has murdered his oldest supporter.

Kratos‘ Immense Regret Over Killing Athena

Accidentally killing Athena leaves Kratos gutted. Out of all the death and destruction he has caused, Athena‘s loss pains him the most.

When he encounters her spirit in the Underworld after, Kratos remorsefully apologizes to Athena:

"I did not come here to fight you. I have always respected your leadership Athena."

Athena in turn comforts Kratos, defending Olympus‘ attempt to kill him. Seeing how much her death impacts Kratos, their mutual care for each other remains evident.

As a quick aside, industry data highlights just how acclaimed the God of War series was during the PS2/PS3 era:

GameRelease YearSales (Millions)
God of War 120054.6
God of War 220073.3
God of War 320105.2

Table showing sales for the original God of War trilogy on Playstation consoles

This initial trilogy went on to sell a combined 13+ million copies globally. With God of War 3 specifically seeing over 5 million sales, Athena‘s death left a massive impression on players.

The Lasting Impact of Her Death

Remarkably, Athena‘s spirit continues influencing the series long after God of War 3.

In the God of War (2018) reboot and sequel Ragnarök, visions of Athena haunt Kratos. Her ghost tempts him to reclaim the power of Hope left after Pandora‘s Box opened. She has become an immortal, driving force spurring Kratos towards ever-destructive goals.

Kratos of course refuses to be manipulated by her visions. But nonetheless – over a decade later – Athena still lurks in his mind, unable to fully rest after her heart-breaking death at his hands.

Why Killing Athena Represents a Tragic Point of No Return

As Kratos begins rampaging against the Greek gods, Athena stands as his last moral compass. She represents a bridge back towards finding redemption rather than vengeance. Tragically however, that bridge burns the moment Kratos impales her.

Killing Athena cements the point of no return in Kratos‘ downward spiral. Any chance at reconciliation ends as Athena breathes her last breath. Kratos cutting down the one god who cared for him signals he is too far gone, irrevocably committed to destroying Zeus.

On a narrative level, Athena had to die to further unleash Kratos’ fury. But emotionally, both characters clearly wish events transpired differently. Instead her death adds immense pain onto an already excruciating quest.

Verdict: A Shocking, Unforgettable God of War Moment

14 years later, Athena‘s death remains a jaw-dropping moment in the God of War franchise – the pivot point where Kratos severs his final tie to redemption. For veteran fans, her demise instantly stands out when recalling epic moments. After multiple games developing their complex relationship, the tragedy and emotion regarding their fatal battle leaves a lasting impression. Newcomers playing God of War 3 Remastered undoubtedly still feel the shocking impact too.

Kratos killing his one-time mentor Athena was a bold narrative choice by Sony Santa Monica. The ramifications echo through to 2018‘s God of War reboot, but the events in God of War 3 still land masterfully. Losing his closest supporter hardens Kratos‘ resolve to destroy Olympus at all costs. Meanwhile Athena‘s spirit persists trying to control Kratos towards her own ends.

So for those who think back on God of War‘s most memorable bosses, enemies, or plot twists, Athena‘s heart-breaking death should rank among Kratos‘ most devastating kills. Both for himself and players, watching the Ghost of Sparta accidentally slay one of his few allies is a dark, unforgettable God of War moment.

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