Does Kratos Scale Outerversal?

As an avid God of War fan and gaming enthusiast, this is a question I‘ve seen debated extensively within the player community. Based on Kratos’ feats against primordial cosmic entities, there is certainly an argument that he exhibits reality-transcending, outerversal capabilities. However, counterpoints question whether his showings quantifiably prove scaling beyond universal or multiversal threats. After diving deep into the lore and analysis from top gaming power-scalers, here is my perspective:

Kratos’ Case for Outerversal Feats

First, let’s define outerversal: it typically denotes a character with power exceeding universal or even multiversal threats, approaching an absolute or infinite scale beyond spacetime and its dimensional structures.

Kratos has several showings suggesting power of this magnitude:

  • Defeating the primordial Titan Kronos, who existed before linear time
  • Killing the Sisters of Fate and obtaining “omnilocked” status, transcending fate manipulation across time
  • Trading blows with Baldur, whose power lit up all the Nine Nordic Worlds spanning the World Tree cosmology

Based on feats like these, some top theorists argue Kratos sits at “High Outerversal” status, though not necessarily surpassing that tier.

The Case Against

However, other calcs counter that most evidence lacks the contextual scope to quantify Kratos as exceeding universal scale. For example:

  • We lack finite values for the energies and spacetime sizes involved
  • Titles like “Primordial” remain too vague in context
  • His destructive capability has still only amounted to large building/city level onscreen

As such, it’s possible primordial entities like Cronos and the Sisters of Fate still only relate to universal-multiversal levels of power, not confirming outerversal scaling.

Reconciling Perspectives

In my personal view as a lore expert, feats like fighting Kronos and the Sisters establish Kratos operates beyond baseline universal power. However, I believe fair skepticism remains about full outerversal scaling due to lack of dimensional scoping.

In other words, Kratos exhibits reality-warping might through fate manipulation, chronokinesis, defeating primeval beings, etc. Yet the infinite energy capacity needed to exceed universal scale remains unproven mathematically.

So while extremely powerful relative to his setting, exact outerversal ranking remains difficult to quantify based on current evidence. But as the God of War story continues, perhaps future feats will further contextualize his scaling!

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