Does lengthy body type work on old gen FIFA 23? No.

Let‘s clear this up immediately – the overpowered lengthy body type is only available on the new gen versions of FIFA 23 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. Old gen PS4 and Xbox One unfortunately miss out.

This revelation may come as disappointing news if you were hoping to utilize the formidable Erling Haaland or bulldozing Virgil van Dijk on your aged console. Let me explain what exactly lengthy is, why it‘s become so popular, and how it relates to the differences between platforms.

What Does the Lengthy Body Type Do in FIFA 23?

The lengthy body type is an all-new addition for FIFA 23, introduced as part of HyperMotion 2 technology exclusively on new consoles and PC.

Lengthy players have a distinctive running style where their speed progressively increases over long sprints. So while they may start slower than other players initially, over time they can really shift into top gear.

According to FIFA Gameplay Producer Kantcho Doskov:

“Their top speed is going to be faster than other players. That fits the profile of what these players are – taller, stronger, harder to knock off the ball as they get going."

In terms of attributes, typical lengthy players boast high strength and stamina. This makes them almost impossible to dispossess once they reach momentum, acting like a steam train barreling towards goal. No wonder the likes of Haaland and Van Dijk have become so OP!

The combination of size, speed and strength makes lengthy players extremely meta this year. But alas, only new gen gamers get to experience their demolition derby runs firsthand.

Breakdown: FIFA 23 Old Gen vs New Gen

To understand why latest features like lengthy are excluded from old gen, we need to examine the differences between platforms.

FeaturesOld GenNew Gen
HyperMotion 2
Lengthy Body Type
Enhanced Tactical AI
6000+ New Animations
Next-Gen Skill Moves
graphical upgradesMinimalSignificant

As the table above indicates, EA Sports has focused development efforts on heightening realism and gameplay on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Brand new HyperMotion 2 technology is integrated here, boasting over 6000 fresh animations.

Meanwhile, PS4 and Xbox One reap few benefits – they miss out on major additions like AcceleRATE running styles, improved AI intelligence, superior graphics and smoother overall gameplay.

In the past, differences between console generations have been less pronounced. But FIFA 23 marks a definitive fork in the road where new gen leads the way, leaving old gen in the dust.

Is the Lengthy Meta Already Dead?

In recent weeks some fans have claimed lengthy players got "nerfed" following FIFA 23 Title Update 4, suggesting the overpowered lengthy meta is already dead.

The update included key dribbling adjustments which handed a boost to explosive players in particular. This sparked debate around the possibility of a new FIFA meta emerging.

To assess whether lengthy players are still viable picks, let‘s examine the attributes of two popular options pre and post-patch:

Erling Haaland

Sprint Speed87⟶870

Virgil Van Dijk

Sprint Speed78⟶780

As demonstrated above, two of the best lengthy players remain completely unaffected across key areas like pace and strength. Their lengthy runs have not been compromised.

This data, combined with community sentiment from a recent poll of over 1900 players:

Poll data

…suggests explosive and controlled players got a boost more so than lengthy getting brought down. The lengthy meta is certainly not dead – it was simply evened out to promote variety. These physical specimens still dominate games.

Cross-Play Means…No Lengthy For Old Gen

For the first time ever, FIFA 23 incorporates full cross-play across PlayStation, Xbox and PC platforms. This means new gen can face off against old gen players.

But just because you‘re competing against PS5 opposition, don‘t expect lengthy players to suddenly spring to life on your PS4. Gameplay mechanics and technology remains very different between platforms.

So when mixing communities to widen the player pool, we avoid split screen disadvantages. But the experience discrepancy lives on through missing features like HyperMotion 2.

Next gen still provides tangibly smoother, richer gameplay even when facing dated consoles. The lengthy body type remains exclusive there too.

In summary – temper expectations around lengthy working cross-gen. The only way to utilize these tank-like players properly is upgrading to PS5, Xbox Series X/S or PC.

I know it‘s not the answer longtime FIFA gamers still on old consoles want to hear. But unfortunately the game-breaking lengthy body type does not function in FIFA 23 on PS4 or Xbox One.

These consoles severely miss out on crucial new features exclusive to next-gen platforms where the lengthy meta thrives.

There are clear divisions between old vs new FIFA – from graphics to mechanics to gameplay smoothness and player animations. New gen boasts sizeable improvements across the board.

So if you‘re still gaming on a last generation console, either make peace without the lengthy body type or seriously consider upgrading. The full FIFA 23 experience lives on PS5, Series X/S and PC only.

But let me know your thoughts! Are you content sticking with your trusty PS4 workhorse? Or is lacking lengthy incentive to finally switch to next-gen?

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