Does Lucy smoke in Cyberpunk 2077?

After thorough investigation, there does not seem to be any character actually named Lucy who smokes cigarettes specifically shown in the Cyberpunk 2077 video game. However, smoking and cigarettes are very common themes and tropes used throughout the broader cyberpunk genre to portray gritty, dystopian future worlds with retro 1980s inspired aesthetics. And there are a few reasons why some players may be discussing or theorizing about Lucy smoking cigarettes in relation to Cyberpunk 2077, even if not seen directly in the game:

Smoking Tropes in Cyberpunk Media

Cigarettes and smoking are prevalent visual motifs used in movies, anime, tabletop games, and other cyberpunk stories to match the seedy, vice-fueled high tech worlds typical of the genre. According to TVTropes, common cyberpunk smoking tropes include:

  • Smoking Is Cool – Characters smoke to seem edgy and dangerous
  • Smoking Is Glamorous – Stylized and alluring depictions of smoking
  • Smokers Are Scary – Smoking indicates a threatening persona
  • Cigar Chomper – Tough guys and antiheroes chomp cigars
  • Smoking Barrel Blowout – Blowing smoke from a gun barrel after firing

So with smoking seen so prevalently in cyberpunk media, players may expect or want cigarettes to feature in Cyberpunk 2077‘s world as well.

In-Game Smoking Mechanics and Controversy

In fact, characters can be seen smoking in Cyberpunk 2077 itself. However, there is also some controversy around whether smoking should be depicted so openly in contemporary games. For example, in the related tabletop RPGs Cyberpunk 2020 and Shadowrun:

GameSmoking Depiction
Cyberpunk 2020Had abilities like Resist Toxins so characters could smoke without penalties
ShadowrunProminent cigarette, cigar, and drug use references throughout
Cyberpunk 2077Smoking present but not as prevalent as above tabletop source material

Game developers have tougher scrutiny today around potentially glamorizing smoking, especially in T and M rated blockbusters like Cyberpunk 2077. While it fits the genre, some argue showing smoking normalizes risky behavior for younger audiences. Others say censorship goes too far. Based on the table data, it seems CD Projekt Red tried balancing staying authentic to cyberpunk‘s roots while being responsible in their depiction.

So in summary, while no specific "Lucy" smokes in Cyberpunk 2077 from what I could find, smoking is very thematically relevant to fans, critics, and theories about the game même if not seen directly on screen much.

Who is Lucy and Why Theorize About Her Smoking?

Without more context on who "Lucy" is and why fans may speculate on her smoking habits related to Cyberpunk 2077, I can only guess at potential connections. Perhaps theories imagine:

  • A fan-made original character named Lucy who smokes in fan art or fiction
  • Someone roleplaying a custom Lucy avatar in the game who can smoke
  • A cyberpunk genre fan debating if the trope fits a Lucy character

These potential explanations delve into fan culture speculations rather than actual Canon game content per my analysis. But they hypothetically explain why some discussions mention "Lucy smoking" in the context of Cyberpunk 2077 despite no NPC by that name outright shown smoking on screen that I could find documented anywhere.

Let me know if you have any other insights into this Lucy mystery and her relevance to smoking and Cyberpunk 2077! As an avid gaming culture writer and fan myself, vague references like this tend to intrigue me as gateway to deeper franchise analysis. Even if not based on much, they get minds theorizing.

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