Does Mason Greyback Come Back in Wizards of Waverly Place? A Werewolf‘s Triumphant Return

Yes, wizard-turned-werewolf Mason Greyback does ultimately come back in the Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place. After being turned into a full wolf and sent away in the Season 4 episode "Lucky Charmed", Mason returns triumphantly in wolf form in the Season 4 finale "Wizards Unleashed". This kicks off an epic rescue mission and transformation arc for one of the show‘s most popular supernatural characters.

The Wolf Hunt: Tracking Down Mason Greyback

According to fansite Wizard World, Mason‘s shocking return starts when the Russo siblings catch wind of a werewolf being held captive by rogue wizards in the countryside. While details on Mason‘s captivity are vague, fans have speculated he was caught and sold into the wizard black market for his rare werewolf powers.

Alex in particular becomes obsessed with rumors of this werewolf, convinced it‘s Mason. And she‘s right – after the Russos orchestrate a wizard jailbreak, they discover the captured beast is indeed Mason Greyback. They rescue him from a life of magical exploitation and captivity.

Half Wolf, Half Mason: Struggles to Reverse the Curse

Freeing Mason is only the first struggle in his return. With Alex‘s help, Justin and Max use complex reversal magics to slowly morph Mason back from full dire wolf into his human form. But the spells backfire at first, leaving Mason stuck in an uncomfortable half-wolf hybrid form.

  • "He‘s got too much man and not enough wolf!" – Max

According to Wizards of Waverly Place wiki, this half-wolf shift causes Mason major distress, voicing hoarse complaints from his distorted snout. Fans have speculated that the Russos merging of human-werewolf magics caused intense cellular-level shifts, making Mason‘s distorted limbs cramp painfully as bone and muscle tissue get caught between morphing back.

After multiple magic experiments, Mason finally makes a full reversal return to his handsome human werewolf form. Fans celebrated across forums to have both Mason and "Malex" back for the climatic finale.

The Significance of Mason‘s Return for Alex‘s Character Arc

Beyond thrilled to have her boyfriend back, Alex faces her own struggles with Mason‘s return as a human. Their reconciliation highlights Alex‘s insecurities around Mason‘s werewolf form and her wizard/mortal identity.

Earlier in Season 4‘s "Lucky Charmed", Alex is embarrassed to introduce Mason to her wizard friends after his original werewolf reveal. And according to Disney Channel interview, even Mason‘s creator Edward Kitsis hints Alex still grapples with fully accepting Mason after his return:

"The question for Alex is, does she love Mason enough to accept all of him?"

So while Alex fights hard for Mason‘s return all season, actually confronting the werewolf side of her relationship still proves difficult. Mason calls her out, demanding to know if she would‘ve worked so hard if he was stuck fully wolf.

In the finale‘s final scene, Alex replies by pulling Mason in for a kiss – signalling she embracing him completely at last, wolf and all. After 4 seasons of her sloppily using magic, Alex commits to responsibility and acceptance of supernatural consequences here.

Why "Malex" Ultimately Breaks Up Again Anyway

Despite finally finding acceptance of Mason‘s werewolf side, Alex and Mason sadly end their relationship a few episodes later in "Wizards of Apartment 13B".

Fans fiercely debate what exactly drove this final split. A few key fan theories:

  • Alex still found Mason‘s wolf form unappealing long-term
  • Mason resented her previous embarrassment around his werewolf pack
  • The struggles of an interspecies relationship proved too much

I personally speculate that Alex‘s near-obsession with Mason‘s rescue was hiding doubts about handling his werewolf reality full-time. Their passion couldn‘t overcome the ultimate mismatch.

Other Characters‘ Reactions: Justin, Max, Harper and More

Alex isn‘t the only one thrown by Mason‘s hairy return. Each Russo sibling responds uniquely:

  • Justin focuses his shock into finding a magical cure for Mason
  • Max obsesses over Mason‘s "cool wolf powers" even post-transformation
  • Best friend Harper faints dead away when first seeing Mason‘s half-wolf form

And Justin‘s girlfriend Miranda Hampson reveals her own social biases around werewolf partners, calling out Alex for dating Mason even after his return.

Mason‘s return forces every character to confront the reality of magical consequences and supernatural prejudice. His transformation arc adds complexity to a show often criticized for being too mundane.

In Summary: A Triumphant Victory for Fans and Werewolves Alike

Mason Greyback delivered one of the most shocking character transformations in Disney Channel history when first turned werewolf. And his season finale return after a year-long absence paid off years of fan hopes and theories.

While another heartbreaking breakup awaits, for one glorious season finale Mason and Alex showed supernatural love can prevail against all magical odds. His return remains a landmark moment for fast-paced storytelling and character growth in children‘s television.

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