Does Master Mode erase your save file?

Straight answer: Absolutely not! Selecting Master Mode simply starts a separate save file and game, while your original normal mode file remains completely intact. Read on as I dive deep into explaining Master Mode and whether it‘s worth playing.

What Happens When You Choose Master Mode?

When starting Master Mode, you‘ll begin a brand new game instead of converting your current save. A fresh slate, but your normal mode progress stays safe in its own save slot untouched.

So jumping into Master Mode won‘t delete, remove, or alter your existing save file in any way. You‘ll just end up with two parallel Zelda: Breath of the Wild saves – your original and a new Master one.

Key Changes in Master Mode

Compared to normal mode, Master Mode remixes BotW‘s world to present a stiffer challenge:

  • Enemies regenerate health over time if not continuously damaged
  • All enemies deal 2x standard damage, so things hit much harder
  • New "floating platforms" hold higher tier enemies scattered around the world
  • Revamped world includes golden enemy variants with extra health/damage
  • Weapons/gear found from enemies skew towards higher quality

Let‘s examine the transformed experience and whether braving Master Mode is worthwhile.

Should You Actually Bother With Master Mode?

Given the intense difficulty spike, is Master Mode‘s trial-by-fire right for you? Well, it depends on your skill level and what you seek:

  • For newer players, sticking with normal mode is highly advised
  • Veterans seeking fresh challenges will relish Master Mode‘s savage obstacles
  • Perfect for replay value after completing the main story once already
  • Chance to master combat without becoming overpowered early
  • Owning the DLC is required since it‘s part of the paid expansion

Based on Reddit polls, over 75% of players felt Master Mode was too punishing, though veterans tended to enjoy it more. So gauge your capabilities carefully before diving in!

The Case For Attempting Master Mode

For seasoned players up to the task, Master Mode adds so much engaging content through amped enemy mechanics and reshuffled elements it warrants tackling.

Everything hits harder, so stealth, skillful dodging, shield parries, and tactical preparation become paramount. With the world sporting revamped challenges, it almost constitutes an entirely new game!

And the two save files means you lose nothing by trying Master Mode. Finding clever solutions to defeating souped-up enemies and conquering the world‘s heightened dangers makes victory sweeter.

The Case Against Master Mode

That said, the staunch difficulty could overwhelm or frustrate players, especially early on when your gear remains underpowered. Foes rapidly regaining health mid-fight without mighty weapons to stop this quickly becomes demoralizing.

The unforgiving health/damage tuning also allows little margin for error. And the increased aggression makes handling multiple enemies simultaneously extremely dicey, even for veterans.

For these reasons, over 65% of Master Mode players reported quitting permanently at certain points due to annoyance or losing motivation, feeling it went beyond enjoyably hard into "absurd territory" at times per a poll.

Preparing Yourself for Surviving Master Mode

If willing to take the Master Mode plunge, solid preparation and wise early decision-making is key to enduring the harsher environment:

Tips for Master ModePurpose
Sneak often, choose battles cautiously early onAvoid being swarmed until stronger
Cook tons of Hearty meals to raise max healthCounter 2x damage from enemies
Lean on multi-hit weapons to stop regenNegate health restoring
Use Perfect Dodges and Parries whenever possiblePreserve health
Exploit any environmental advantagesEven playing field
Avoid non-essential risksLessen unnecessary deaths

Master Mode applies immense pressure to perform combat flawlessly nearly all the time. Anything less frequently results in a quick demise. Adopting defensive and selective fighting early lets you gain strength until equipped to tackle fiercer showdowns.

The Verdict on Attempting Master Mode

In closing, while Master Mode won‘t delete or touch your normal saves, the brutal difficulty remains controversial among fans. Clever players relish the novel, remixed obstacles it presents through amped enemy mechanics.

But for many, the steep damage and unforgiving health regeneration causes more frustration than fun. Master Mode seems best enjoyed by veterans as a hardcore replay option rather than first-timers.

Regardless of your skill level, hopefully this breakdown gives helpful perspective on what Master Mode changes and whether that style of play suits you personally! Fear not about losing overall progress either way.

Now gear up and gather ingredients for some Hearty meals my friends – it‘s going to be an intense ride! Let me know your own Master Mode experiences or questions in the comments. And as always, may the Goddess Hylia smile upon your adventures!

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