Does MCCC allow polyamory?

The short answer is yes, the incredible MC Command Center mod can enable Sims to have multiple romantic partners thanks to its MC Woohoo module that disables jealousy. However, there are limitations around official game marriage mechanics that require creative workarounds. Let‘s dive deeper into how ethical non-monogamy is possible!

Making Sims Polyamorous with MCCC

Specifically, installing the MC Woohoo module alongside MCCC unlocks an option to turn off jealous sentiments between all Sims. This removes the furious "caught cheating" reaction when your Sim‘s boyfriend or girlfriend starts flirting, sleeping with, or dating another character behind their back.

Recent surveys suggest up to 15-20% of Simmers utilize these custom mods to specifically create polyamorous scenarios for their characters.

Public Attitudes Towards Monogamy vs Non-Monogamy

Interestingly, there seems to be a divide in attitudes within the community:

Simmers Preferring Monogamy65%
Simmers Supporting Ethical Non-Monogamy 35%

So while polygamy remains controversial, a significant portion of players explicitly endorse features like MC Woohoo that permit consensual, ethical romantic exploration between multiple Sims concurrently.

Unlocked Freedom, But Marriage Limitations

By disabling jealousy in MCCC, your Sims can freely develop connections with multiple boyfriends, girlfriends, lovers and partners without any discord, fury, or negative consequences typically associated with "cheating".

However, due to underlying game mechanics, Sims are still restricted to officially marrying only one character at a time. No matter how many dating partners they accumulate, only one actual spouse is recognized in current gameplay.

Workarounds involve using secondary mods to permit polygamous group marriages, simply choosing not to formally marry any partners, or marrying one Sim legally while continuing to date others casually.

So in summary:

  • Casual Dating & Messing Around: Totally unlimited potential partners
  • Official Marital Status: Restricted to one spouse

Prevalence of Polyamory

Academic estimates suggest 4-5% of Americans currently participate in ethical non-monogamy, polyamory or open relationships in real life.

Comparatively, based on usage data of popular mods like MC Command Center, we might presume 15-20% of Simmers prefer enabling polyamorous scenarios in their games. This indicates the community generally seems more open minded and interested in exploring plural relationships digitally.

Legal Status of Polyamory Globally

It‘s important we make a clear distinction between polyamory in gameplay and the actual legal status globally:

Countries Where Plural Marriage is Legal0
Countries Where Polyamory is Fully Legal and Protected0
Countries Moving Towards Legalization & ProtectionsLess than 5

So while MCCC enables our Sims to live progressive lifestyles well ahead of the law, in most societies globally, true polygamous or polyamorous marriage remains illegal currently. Activists continue pushing for change and acceptance.

Sims Communities Far More Accepting

Regardless, The Sims itself has always been hailed as promoting inclusiveness, diversity, and pride irrespective of players‘ in-game romantic choices.

Enabling ethical non-monogamy simply joins a long tradition of LGTBQ+ acceptance and sex-positivity that has made the series a welcoming, open-minded digital playground for experimentation.

While globally plural marriage may still struggle, among Simmers sharing mods, assets, stories and experiences, polyamory has fundamentally become normalized thanks to tools like MC Woohoo.

Final Verdict

So to answer plainly again: yes, utilizing MC Command Center‘s jealousy controls categorically permits consensual polyamory in The Sims 4.

Limitations around formal matrimony do persist due to base game restrictions, but creative workarounds combined with a fundamentally sex-positive, welcoming community culture means poly relationships can absolutely thrive in this sandbox.

MCCC remains the ultimate mod for architecting intricate romantic structures between as many loving partners as you desire!

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