Does Mei Have Feelings for Yuzu?

Yes, based on the canonical information provided, Mei does appear to have genuine romantic feelings and attraction toward Yuzu. This is evidenced most clearly by an initiated kiss from Mei to Yuzu that came across as sincere rather than disingenuous. Their relationship seems to be evolving into one of increased closeness and vulnerability over time.

A Complex, Evolving Relationship

According to the Citrus fandom wiki, Mei and Yuzu‘s relationship is complex and continues to evolve throughout the series [1]. Initially, Mei kissed Yuzu as a way to annoy or upset her. But later, Mei initiates a kiss that appears motivated by real feelings rather than ulterior motives.

The wiki states:

"Yes, it was a different kiss from all of the others, because this time, Mei actually initiates it with no ulterior motive. All the other times that she kissed Yuzu was because she was annoying her in some way. So in short, they come off as disingenuous and somewhat hollow." [1]

This indicates Mei‘s feelings are growing into attraction and affection over time as the two step-sisters bond.

Increasing Closeness and Trust

Though their relationship has intimacy issues and boundaries still [1], Mei seems to be slowly opening up and trusting Yuzu more based on additional canonical information from the Citrus fandom wiki:

"She states that while she still lusts for Yuzu, she wants to sincerely respond by following the steps from the very beginning and even trusts Yuzu enough to let her tell their friends about it." [1]

So while Mei still struggles with vulnerability, she cares enough for Yuzu to try restarting their romantic relationship in a healthy, trusting way. This further suggests genuine feelings underlie their connection.

Analysis and Insights

Given Mei‘s initiated, sincere kiss and increasing ability to open up with Yuzu intimately and publicly, strong evidence indicates she does have authentic, growing feelings of affection and attraction toward Yuzu despite the complexity of their relationship.

As an expert in analysis of fictional character relations, I can conclude that Mei and Yuzu‘s bond has moved beyond hollow physical intimacy into territory involving vulnerability, trust, and yes – love. Their romantic storyline will likely continue unfolding more depths of feeling as it progresses based on typical narrative arcs.


[1] Citrus Fandom Wiki:

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