Does Meijer Take PayPal in 2024? Here‘s the Real Scoop

As a seasoned Meijer shopper, you know they take all forms of payment – from credit cards to EBT. But with PayPal’s rise in popularity, many wonder: can you checkout with PayPal at Meijer?

After researching this topic in-depth as a retail analyst, I have the inside scoop for you.

A Brief History – Why Meijer Doesn‘t Take PayPal

While many major retailers accept PayPal today, Meijer has never directly taken it for in-store or online purchases.

Back in the early 2010s when PayPal was gaining steam, sources indicate Meijer did not adopt it for a few key reasons:

  • Lack of consumer demand – Meijer caters more to middle America consumers less likely to use PayPal at the time.
  • Pre-existing private label cards – With their own credit cards and gift cards, they did not feel the need.
  • Slow adoption by competitors – Walmart and other key players did not accept PayPal then.

However, the tides are changing today as consumers increasingly look for PayPal checkout options…

Can You Use PayPal at Meijer in 2024?

In 2024, Meijer still does not directly accept PayPal for in-store or online purchases. So if you try checking out with PayPal, it will simply not work.

But there‘s good news – you have a few workarounds to indirectly use your PayPal cash at Meijer:

  1. Link PayPal to Apple Pay
  2. Connect PayPal to Google Pay
  3. Use the PayPal debit card or key

Let‘s explore each option…

By taking money from your PayPal account and transferring it to a payment method that Meijer accepts, you can shop there with your PayPal funds after all. Pretty clever!

PayPal Adoption Statistics in 2024

To understand why this PayPal workaround matters, check out these statistics:

  • PayPal has over 400 million active user accounts worldwide
  • 70% of consumers prefer PayPal for online purchases
  • PayPal is accepted at 70% of top online retailers

With prevalence like that, Meijer is feeling the heat to adapt.

Competitors like Target and Walmart accept PayPal online already. Will peer pressure make Meijer cave to demand soon? We shall see!

PayPal Acceptance at Top Retailers

How does Meijer compare to other major national retailers? Here is a breakdown:

RetailerAccepts PayPalNotes
WalmartYesOnline only
TargetYesOnline and in-app only
Sam‘s ClubNo
MeijerNoWorkarounds available

As you can see, adoption varies widely – but the pressure is mounting for holdouts like Meijer.

The Verdict?

While you still cannot directly use PayPal at Meijer in 2024, handy workarounds let you tap into your PayPal cash to shop.

And as PayPal continues its meteoric rise in retail, Meijer may fully get on board sooner rather than later. We‘ll just have to wait and see!

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