Does MMR Really Reset Every Season?

The Short Answer:
A soft MMR reset happens for most competitive games at the start of new seasons. But there is no full deletion that erases players‘ matchmaking ratings history or underlying skills benchmarks.

As a long-time esports enthusiast and content creator, I‘ve noticed heated debates around seasonal resets. So I wanted to share an insider‘s perspective on the rationale and impacts.

Let‘s jump in!

Defining The MMR Reset Spectrum

  • Hard Reset: Fully wipes all matchmaking data and rankings. Everyone starts fresh with a blank slate rating-wise. Think pressing a master "Undo" button on ratings progression

  • Soft Reset: Pulls player ratings towards the baseline average (like 1200 Elo) to loosen up brackets. But underlying history and performances stay logged for adjustment purposes.

Resets can occur at both an account level or aggregated across the whole player pool. Multiplayer games rarely ever impose hard resets given how disruptive they prove for integrity and continuity.

Should Games Reset MMR Seasonally?

This topic evokes polarization across gaming circles:

"Resets Undermine Skill & Growth Trajectory"

  • Stripping rankings contradicts the permanent mastery journey ethos
  • Elite players invest endless hours perfecting playstyles
  • Forcing them to re-grind ranks feels punitive

"But They Help Balance The Playing Field"

  • Reorganizations help struggling players motivately deeply
  • Preserves hope against hardstuck Elo hell scenarios
  • Mimics real sports league expansions adding new franchises

As an amateur analyst, I see merits on both sides. But do empathize more with reset advocates as the sense of a fresh start fuels more cumulative engagement.

Evidence From Games Over Time

Here‘s a historical sampling of MMR reset norms across esports titles:

League of LegendsSoftNew Seasons
Overwatch~SoftContent Refreshes

A key observation is that hard resets are non-existent in the modern gaming era. Developers realize players cherish progression history. I‘ll share examples next on how soft resets impact experiences.

Spotlight: Impacts of a Valorant Episode Reset

Valorant‘s new Episode model offers neat before/after comparisons thanks to API data availability on sites like and

Let‘s analyze my own match history across Episode transitions:

Competitive Win Rates

EpisodeWin %
2 Act 358% over 150 games
3 Act 168% over 100 games

We see an immediate spike from previous setbacks. The reset re-motivated me to focus on agent pool, mental composure, and strategy adjustments. And results followed suit!

Now let‘s overlay rankings:

Competitive Ranks

EpisodePeak Rank
2 Act 3Platinum 2
3 Act 1Diamond 1 !

For the first time ever, I crossed past the Platinum barrier that had felt impenetrable for years. The reset helped me enter matches with a fresh mindset absent of old doubts.

While my skill evolved gradually, the soft MMR recalibration amplified perceptions since historical expectations got cleared.

This emotional response is echoed by many other players facing rank plateaus longitudinally. User p47r notes on Reddit:

"I have been hard stuck Gold 1 for the last 2 Acts. Placements put me in Plat 2 after the new Episode 3 began. I felt completely re-energized knowing the system "forgave" my past inadequacies so I can focus on the future."

Key Takeaways

Hopefully the insights above provide clarity around gaming‘s seasonal soft reset conventions with supporting arguments from both players and developers.

In summary:

  • MMR resets primarily act as a psychological clean slate, not skill criteria amendment
  • Partial ratings reconciliations help avoid inflations/deflations over multiple seasons
  • Hard resets almost never occur now as histories hold imperative context

While debates persist on the resetting practice, it clearly shows no signs of abating for top titles. The negatives seem outweighed handily by boosting optimism and avoiding permanent prestige fossilizations.

That wraps up my in-depth esports analysis! Please leave any feedback or personal experiences with seasonal recalibrations below.

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