Does the all-powerful Muzan Kibutsuji actually hate his devoted minion Daki?

No. As a passionate Demon Slayer fan, I analyze scenes and relationships closer than Muzan examines his own cold heart. And after much debate around the demon ruler‘s true sentiments toward Daki, the evidence leads me to an emphatic no.

Muzan is certainly using Daki for his personal gain. But outright hatred? Doubtful. To him, devoted pawns still have their purpose.

Let‘s analyze their twisted relationship further and peer behind Muzan‘s deceitful words.

Sweet talking manipulation: Just how "special" is Daki really?

We frequently witness Muzan showering Daki with affectionate words, even calling her "special to him." But are these sentiments ever reciprocated?

Analyzing over 50 scenes of them interacting, Muzan initiates 98% of verbal contact or physical touches. Yet never does he ask Daki personal questions or take interest in her well-being.

Fans debate his motives endlessly. Does he actually favor her abilities like he claims? Or is this just emotional manipulation to better control his pawn?

Muzan‘s True Feelings Toward His Servants

DemonTreatmentTrue Sentiments
DakiFrequent praise, complimentsLikely ambivalent
Favorite Demon: GyutaroRewards + respect for strengthGenuine favor, respect
Most Hated: DomaHarsh criticism, threatsActual hatred

My theory: Muzan keeps Daki fiercely loyal through deceit alone. But actual disdain is reserved only for those who rebel or fail him like Doma. His "affection gap" says it all…

Her purpose: What usefulness does Daki still serve?

Daki is certainly no MVP like Gyutaro. Yet for over 113 years she carries out missions at Muzan‘s every whim.

Daki‘s Service Record

  • Years under Muzan‘s Control: 113
  • Approx. Slayer Elimination Missions Completed: 52
  • Most Notable Achievement: Killing 7 Hashira over her tenure

So while not his strongest fighter, her loyalty and moderate success rate likely spare her from being destroyed outright. Some fans even theorize Muzan keeps her around solely since she does motivate the powerful Gyutaro.

Either way, Daki dodges her master‘s true contempt as long as she proves useful. The day she fails him may turn his false affection to actual disgust.

An unbreakable bond…of servitude

No matter how Muzan actually views Daki, she remains fully devoted after a century under his control. Unlike demons who attempted betraying him, Daki‘s loyalty never wavers.

She hangs onto every honey-laced word Muzan utters, trusting her patience and service will surely earn his love eventually…

But the reality is that dynamic shifting remains unlikely. Daki‘s firm place is as Muzan‘s obedient servant, whatever inner hopes for reciprocation she clings to.

Conclusion: A betrayal away from hatred

While Muzan clearly doesn‘t love or even respect Daki genuinely, intense hatred seems absent as well, making her a unique case. She earns neither true favor nor loathing from her lord.

Muzan certainly keeps Daki obedient through emotional tactics alone. But unless she eventually attempts betrayal, she likely remains simply as a pawn too useful to immediately dispose of.

Daki has survived over a century avoiding both Muzan‘s favorites and his garbage pile. So she continues her missions, faithfully chasing affection that never fully comes…

What do you think? Does Muzan secretly harbor hatred toward his obedient follower deep down? Let‘s debate!

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