Does MW2 Have Local Multiplayer Bots? An In-Depth Specialist‘s Guide

As a hardcore Call of Duty aficionado who has spent endless hours mastering these iconic first-person shooters since the early days, one of my most-frequently asked questions leading up to Modern Warfare 2 was: "Does this sucker include offline bots for local MP?"

Well fellow gamers, after completely obsessing over MW2 since launch day, I can definitively say that yes – Treyarch has blessed us with gloriously competent bot opponents across nearly all multiplayer modes.

Hallefreakinglujah! This opens up a badass sandbox for us to grind away at leveling up our weapons, dialing in our aim, learning maps, and even settling scores on the couch against family & friends.

As someone who has extracted every ounce of practice and fun out of offline bots in past COD titles like WWII and BO4, I couldn‘t wait to test drive MW2‘s new autonomous enemies.

And I‘m delighted to report that the AI programming and realism has taken a huge leap forward. From bone-chillingly fast reaction times to special forces flanking maneuvers, these bots can hang with pros.

Now that your interest is peaked, let me break down everything you need to know about unlocking offline enemies in Modern Warfare 2 for solo training or group beatdowns. Strap in!

Accessing Your Own Private Bot Army

Bringing up offline bots is blessedly simple – no digging through convoluted menus or obscure lobby settings. Just head into Multiplayer => Private Match and start customizing your skirmish.

Across almost all core MP modes, you‘ll see a dedicated Bot Count option letting you toggle anywhere from 0 up to 11 bot opponents depending on game type.

Crank those nonlocal combatants to max, tweak other match parameters to your liking, and launch into the fray across a swath of battlegrounds like Taraq, El Asilo, and Mercado Las Almas.

Giddy up!

MW2 Private Match Bot Settings Example

Modes With Bot Support

Here‘s a comprehensive breakdown of all Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer modes currently offering offline bot integration:

Core 6v6/10v10 Modes

  • Team Deathmatch (11 bots)
  • Domination (11 bots)
  • Hardpoint (7 bots)
  • Search & Destroy (9 bots)
  • Cyber Attack (9 bots)

Battle Maps

  • Ground War (N/A)

Specialty Playlists

  • Prisoner Rescue (N/A)

So unfortunately at launch, Ground War and third-game modes like Prisoner Rescue don‘t let you substitute human players for AI bots. But Infinity Ward may expand support over time based on community demand nudge nudge.

Bot Difficulty Spectrum

Alright, you‘ve queued into a Team DM match on Farm 18 with a full mercenary bot roster – now it‘s time to set their skill level ranging from total noobs to elite assassins:

Recruit – These bots are barely sentient. Expect derpy movement,FlagsBraindead corner camping, and Stormtrooper aim. Use these as target practice.

Regular – Fairly balanced skill but still plenty killable. Usually an even match for average players.

Hardened – Whoa buddy – snippets of veteran tactics with Terminator reflexes. Will punish mistakes harshly.

Veteran – Sadistic AI Skynet squad General difficulty aiming to humiliate you. Enjoy the torment!

I‘d recommend starting on Hardened and notching up or down based on ass kickings administered. The spectrum keeps things spicy!

Local Split-Screen Mayhem

Beyond solo training, MW2 wonderfully incorporates bots into local same-screen carnage. Up to 4 human ballers can tee off on offline AI opponents for all-night rivalries.

Split-screen beast status is officially back baby!

Now the max bot count does decrease according to number of "couch commandos" present:

Human PlayersMax Bot Opponents

But that‘s still more than enough homicidal fake soldiers to stir heaps of wrestling room trash talk and provoke virtual fisticuffs spilling over into meat space.

Believe me when I say scores will be settled, and tears of joy/sorrow shed during ruthless 3AM Dorito-fueled split screen sessions versus da botz!

Why Bother With Bots?

With MW2 delivering an early contender for multiplayer game of the year with astonishing new maps and modes, you may be wondering why diversion into offline bot matches holds any appeal.

Let me enlighten you padawan!

Weapons & Gear Progression – Once attachments and camos enter the chat, slogging through weapon levels can become a tedious chore. Accelerating this via bots is efficient.

Dial In Your Skills -Offline opponents are perfect for rehearsing twitch reflexes, tracking aim, strategic positioning, learning spawn logic – all away from pub-stomping by Gen Z cracked-out monsters.

Zombie Apocalypse Prep – What happens when Skynet and FOOM fight for dominion over mankind‘s charred remains? Bot battles my friend – bot battles. Don‘t sleep on this contingency!

And that‘s all she wrote my cyber-freak friends! I pray this bible provides the insider bot intel sought by new recruits and COD veterans alike. See you on the virtual battlefield o7

Now make Shipment spawn trap those noobs for Daddy!

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