Does Overwatch 2 Have Adaptive Triggers?

No, Overwatch 2 does not support adaptive triggers or haptic feedback on PlayStation 5 DualSense controllers as of February 2023. While the game runs smoothly on new generation consoles with 60fps frame rate options, advanced haptics and resistance triggers seen in other PS5 titles are noticeably absent.

Evaluating Overwatch 2‘s DualSense Implementation

While DualSense controllers technically function in Overwatch 2 on PS5 without any extra software, the integration fails to leverage much of the hardware‘s capabilities. For comparison:

FeatureOverwatch 2Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
Adaptive TriggersNoYes
Haptic FeedbackNoYes
Native PS5 VersionNoYes

As a high profile competitive shooter you would expect more consideration for PlayStation 5‘s innovative controller. Franchises like Call of Duty add tactical haptic feedback on console for enhanced immersion in gunfights and actions. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart uses adaptive triggers in clever ways where each weapon has varying levels of resistance.

Overwatch 2 seems to be running via backward compatibility rather than a native PS5 application optimizing the DualSense. For now, the fancy controller mainly acts as a standard gamepad.

However there is still potential for features like haptics or adaptive triggers to get patched in later if there is enough community demand. As a live service game, the developers continue tweaking and enhancing the experience over time.

Optimizing Aim Assist and Controls for Competitive Multiplayer

Console players relying on analog sticks to aim are inherently at a disadvantage to the pinpoint precision of a mouse. Strong aim assist options help balance these inputs for crossplay.

Overwatch 2 provides the following aim assist modes to choose from, each with their own feel:

  • Linear Ramp: Feels the most responsive and snappy by accelerating aim speed exponentially as you push the stick further. Highly reccomended for experienced players with good aim control.
  • Dual-Zone: Speed is separated into 2 zones to improve fine aim adjustments. Outer zone accelerates faster for flicking onto targets.
  • Exponential Ramp: Smooth aim acceleration curve without sudden flicks for better consistency tracking targets.
  • Aim Ease In: Adds a ramp up delay before acceleration kicks in fully. Allows fine control on initial stick movement.

Here are the optimal aim assist settings I recommend as a starting point:

  • Aim Assist Strength: 100
  • Aim Assist Window Size: 50
  • Aim Assist Legacy Mode: On
  • Aim Technique: Linear Ramp
  • Aim Ease In: 20
  • Aim Smoothing: 0-30

Overwatch 2 Advanced Aim Settings

Lower aim smoothing and raising legacy aim assist strength seems to yield the most responsive, accurate aiming in my testing. Linear Ramp mode is ideal for confident console players with good thumb skill. Make sure to also disable the Windows "Enhance Pointer Precision" mouse setting if using a controller on PC.

Community Backlash and Changes to Crossplay Aim Assist

One controversial change with Overwatch 2 was completely disabling aim assist in any crossplay match between PC and console gamers. This created a highly unfair playing field:

"Opting into a bad experience just so I can play with my friends doesn’t feel good" – u/thea_kosmos

Many players rightfully complained this forced console players to handicap themselves against all the innate precision advantages of mouse and keyboard. Compounded by lower frame rates and visual fidelity on aging hardware.

Thankfully in November 2022 the developers walked back the crossplay aim assist restrictions in response to player feedback:

"We have re-enabled aim assist for controllers across all Crossplay matchups, except competitive modes with PC players"

So now controller users can enjoy regular aim assist against other console platforms in quick play and arcade – without worrying about opting into an abysmally unfair fight against precision mouse input. Competitive is still exempt to maintain integrity for ranking progression when teaming cross-platform.

Hero Difficulty and Aim Dependence

Not all heroes demand crackshot aim to succeed, allowing flexibility for console players to contribute without being amazing stick snipers. Using community observations and hero win rates, here is a breakdown of aim reliance across roles:

Most Aim Dependent

WidowmakerDamageHeadshot sniper requires precision
AsheDamageFast firing rifle rewards accuracy
AnaSupportSkill shots plus sniper rifle aim
BaptisteSupportBurst healing requires good target tracking

Win Rate Console vs PC:


console players see notably lower win rates on high precision heroes

Least Aim Dependent

MercySupportLock-on beam healing
MoiraSupportSoft auto-lock alternate fire
ReinhardtTankMelee hammer swings
SymmetraDamageAuto-tracking beam primary

Win Rate Console vs PC:


Minimal platform skill gap on heroes not dependent on pinpoint aim

Wrapping up: Controller Parity Still Needs Work

While I enjoy Overwatch 2‘s smooth 60fps gameplay on PlayStation 5 with crisp visuals, Blizzard has more work to ensure proper feature parity for console controller users playing against mouse + keyboard.

Aspects like adaptive triggers, modernized vibration feedback, UI/menus, and default quick chat options tailored to gamepads could further improve the experience. Playing competitive shooters on controllers may never feel as accurate as mice due to physical limitations – but more can be done to narrow the gap through better aim assist tuning and control customization.

As an avid console gamer myself competing against PC players, I sympathize with frustrations over limitations and appreciate Blizzard‘s responsiveness improving aim assist fairness across platforms. I hope to see continued focus on enhancing controller capabilities over time as OW2 evolves. But for now adaptive triggers remain one missing feature I‘d love to get added in someday!

What other console improvements would you like to see added to Overwatch 2 down the road? Let me know in the comments below!

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