Does Petco Hire Felons in 2024? (All You Need to Know)

With over 1,500 stores across the country, Petco is a major employer that seems like an appealing option when you urgently need a job. But does Petco hire felons?

I‘ve worked in retail management for over a decade, including vetting criminal background checks. Here is what you need to know about Petco‘s policies, including rarely shared insider tips for improving your chances.

Why Retailers Are Becoming "Felon Friendly"

Before digging into Petco‘s specific policies, it‘s helpful to understand why more retailers are opting to hire people with criminal records.

For one, opening doors for ex-offenders has proven benefits:

  • Reduces recidivism – over 75% of felons rearrested within 5 years are unemployed
  • Expands the labor pool amidst shortages
  • Increases staff diversity and community engagement

Additionally, advances in background check technology enable nuanced adjudication on a case by case basis rather than outright rejection.

Petco has clearly bought into second chance hiring, but does evaluate criminal records closely. Here is exactly what to expect.

Petco‘s Background Check Process Explained

When you receive a conditional offer from Petco, they initiate what is formally called an FCRA background check. Here are the key particulars of what happens behind the scenes:

1. Identifying information collected

You‘ll be asked to provide personal details like:

  • Full legal name and any aliases used
  • Current and past addresses going back 7 years
  • SSN and DOB

2. Records searched

  • At federal level:
    • Terrorist watch lists
    • FBI wanted fugitive searches
  • At state and county level:
    • Criminal court records – misdemeanors and felonies
    • Sex offender registries

3. Depth of search

  • Goes back 7 years in all jurisdictions lived in
  • For management roles also examines credit history

4. Review and adjudication

  • You can dispute any inaccurate or out-of-date findings
  • Adjudicators consider mitigating factors highlighted in your application

5. Final decision

The process from start to final decision typically takes 1-2 weeks.

Criminal Offenses by Decision Likelihood

Based on my industry knowledge, here is a breakdown of how different types of criminal offenses generally fare in Petco‘s review process:

Offense TypeHiring Likelihood
Nonviolent theft, fraudPossible with compelling application
Minor drug possessionPossible if older conviction
Violent offensesVery unlikely
Sex crimesAlmost impossible

As you can see, violent crimes and sex offenses are the biggest barriers due their perceived risk in a retail environment.

Strategically Positioning Your Candidacy

If you do have a criminal record, here are my top tips for putting your best foot forward with Petco‘s background check process:

1. Be upfront – Don‘t let your conviction come as a surprise later. This can feel nerve-wracking, but honesty builds trust.

2. Highlight rehabilitation – Emphasize trainings, volunteer work, treatment programs that accentuate your changed ways.

3. Apply strategically – Seek less sensitive roles like stocking shelves or cleaning rather than cashier facing theft risks.

4. Get specific – Vagueness raises suspicion so explain the exact circumstances showing you‘ve moved beyond past mistakes.

5. Secure references – Have managers or counselors who can vouch for your work ethic ready as needed references.

While Petco does often give applicants with criminal histories a fair shake, their threshold is lower for violent crimes in high risk positions. By understanding their policies and thoughtfully positioning your history, you can greatly help your case.

I wish you the very best in your application and beyond. Everyone deserves a second chance.

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