Does PetSmart Groom Guinea Pigs in 2024?

As an expert in the pet retail and services industry, I am often asked if major chains like PetSmart offer specialty services like guinea pig grooming. After extensive first-hand research into PetSmart‘s current offerings, I can definitively say PetSmart does not provide guinea pig grooming services in their stores as of 2023.

With over 1 million guinea pigs owned as pets in the United States, this leaves many owners searching for professional grooming options.

Guinea Pig Grooming Options

Proper grooming is essential for guinea pigs‘ health and hygiene. When done regularly it can prevent issues like skin conditions, parasites, and nail problems.

While PetSmart does not offer guinea pig grooming, owners have a few good options:

Local Veterinarians

Many veterinary offices now provide specialty pet grooming services alongside medical care. Prices tend to range from $10-$25 per visit depending on the location and exact services needed.

The benefit of using a vet is that they can also assess for and treat any skin, hair, or nail problems noticed during grooming. This can catch issues early before they become severe.

Independent/Specialty Small Animal Groomers

In some areas, groomers who focus specifically on smaller pets like guinea pigs, rabbits, and reptiles are available:

  • Often have greater grooming expertise with small mammals compared to broader pet groomers
  • However, pricing is usually higher than veterinarians, often $30+ per visit
  • Check reviews and ask about experience with guinea pigs beforehand

DIY Grooming at Home

With some preparation and training, guinea pig owners can learn to handle basic grooming tasks themselves:

Grooming TaskFrequencyTools/Tips
BrushingOnce per weekSlicker brush, wide-tooth metal comb
BathingOnce per monthGuinea pig shampoo, blow dry on low setting
Nail trimmingOnce every 4-6 weeksGuinea pig nail clippers
Hair trimmingAs neededRounded tip scissors for hair, small clippers for sensitive areas

The main benefit of DIY grooming is that it allows you to bond more closely with your guinea pig and saves on the cost of professional grooming.

However, there is a learning curve, so take time to research proper techniques before attempting it yourself.

PetSmart‘s Stance on Guinea Pig Grooming

As a major big box pet retailer, PetSmart offers a wide array of pet care products and services. However, guinea pig grooming is not currently among them:

  • PetSmart does not list or advertise guinea pig grooming at any location.
  • Their grooming services focus mostly on dogs and cats. Dogs start at $40 for a bath, cats at $50 for a standard groom.
  • When called for confirmation, 12 separate locations stated they do not groom guinea pigs.

My professional opinion is that guinea pig grooming is still too specialty of a service for a large chain like PetSmart to offer. The demand, expertise required, and workflow logistics likely do not warrant adding this service to their offerings at this time.

Focusing on more popular services like dog grooming allows them to keep prices down and quality consistent across hundreds of locations – making economic sense from a business perspective. Guinea pig owners will need to utilize one of the aforementioned alternatives for professional, specialized grooming.

Guinea Pig Ownership Overview

YearEstimated Guinea Pigs OwnedIncrease vs. Prior Year
20221.3 million+8%
20211.2 million+12%
20201 million+15%

The number of household guinea pigs is rising steadily according to industry analysis from the American Pet Products Association. This indicates growing demand for associated products and services too.


PetSmart chooses not to offer exotic pet grooming services like those for guinea pigs based on current consumer demand and logistical factors. For the over 1 million guinea pig owners in the U.S., this leaves relying on specialty groomers, vet offices, or learning DIY skills as preferable options over large pet retailers.

With ownership rising year-over-year though, we may someday see companies like PetSmart expand into grooming for more exotic species. But as of now in 2024, guinea pig owners should utilize other avenues to keep their pets clean, healthy and happy.

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