Does PetSmart Groom Rabbits in 2024? Here‘s What You Need to Know

With over 4 million domesticated rabbits in the United States, rabbit ownership continues to grow. Proper grooming is essential for our floppy-eared friends, preventing matted fur, overgrown nails, and hygiene issues. But when it‘s time for Thumper to get a haircut, can you head to your local PetSmart?

Why PetSmart Doesn‘t Offer Rabbit Grooming

While PetSmart has over 1,650 retail locations with full-service salons for dogs and cats, they do not offer grooming services for rabbits or any exotic small mammals. There are a few important reasons behind this policy:

  • Specialized Training Required: According to the House Rabbit Society, rabbits have delicate skin that requires careful handling and specific grooming techniques. PetSmart groomers are not required to have training for rabbits.

  • Higher Risk: Without proper technique, grooming accidents like cuts or scratches are more likely. PetSmart mitigates risks to pets by only grooming species that their staff are trained for.

  • Different Equipment: Unique brushes, trimmers, tables, and products are needed to properly groom rabbits. PetSmart salons cater more towards canine and feline grooming.

So ultimately, PetSmart does not have the capabilities or staff expertise to safely and effectively groom pet rabbits. But that doesn‘t mean rabbit owners are out of luck.

Turning to Specialized Professional Groomers Instead

While PetSmart focuses primarily on dogs and cats, many independent professional groomers undergo training specifically for handling rabbits and other exotic pets. I recommend seeking out these specialists for your rabbit‘s grooming needs.

Why Choose Specialist Exotic Pet Groomers?

  • Proper Handling: They learn techniques tailored to rabbits, preventing injury and stress. This includes properly supporting the body, dealing with kicking, and calming the rabbit.
  • Custom Equipment: Specialist rabbit groomers invest in proper ceramic tables, fine-tooth brushes, guillotine trimmers, and hypoallergenic products.
  • Health Expertise: Specialists are educated on safe temperature limits for baths, signs of skin irritation, appropriate trim lengths, and other health factors.

This focus translates into a safer, more comfortable grooming experience catered to your rabbit‘s needs.

What to Look for in a Rabbit Groomer

When researching specialist rabbit groomers, look for these indicators of expertise:

  • Specific rabbit grooming training or certification
  • Years of experience with rabbits
  • Recommendations from exotic vets or rabbit rescues
  • Reviews showing rabbit experience
  • Photos of groomed rabbits

Also ensure they use proper restraint techniques, trimmers, and products. Avoid harsh restraints or bottle brushes which can harm sensitive skin.

Rabbit Grooming By the Numbers

Rabbit ownership is growing: the American Pet Products Association estimates 2.6 million households owned a pet rabbit in 2021 – up from 2.3 million in 2016. As ownership increases, demand rises for qualified rabbit groomers.

Additionally, grooming is crucial for health. The House Rabbit Society Founder Marinell Harriman states:

"A rabbit that is not brushed regularly can quickly develop benign skin tumors as well as internal blockages from ingesting too much loose hair."

Without proper grooming, issues like urogenital disorders, pododermatitis, and matted fur can occur. By turning to specialized groomers, owners can keep their rabbits happy and healthy.

Grooming ApproachAverage CostAverage Session LengthRisk LevelConvenience
DIY$15-$301-2 hoursModerateHigh
Mobile Groomer$50-$100+1-2 hoursLowHigh
Specialty Salon$40-$601-2 hoursLowModerate
Veterinary Clinic$60-$1001-2 hoursLowestLow

The Takeaway: PetSmart Doesn‘t Groom Rabbits, But Specialists Do!

While PetSmart focuses on dogs and cats, rabbit owners should turn to professional specialty groomers for their long-eared companions instead. There, experienced staff use proper techniques and equipment to safely groom rabbits per House Rabbit Society best practices.

By choosing specialist exotic pet groomers, owners give bunnies the delicate handling they need for an optimal grooming experience. Check reviews and ask around to find the most qualified rabbit groomers near you!

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