Does Pikachu Have a Third Evolution?

No, as of 2023 Pikachu officially does not have a third evolutionary form. Its established evolutions consist of Pichu evolving into Pikachu, which then evolves into Raichu when exposed to a Thunder Stone.

Back in Generation 1 however, the developers originally planned for Pikachu to have another evolution beyond Raichu, named Gorochu. This scrapped “third evolution” has fascinated fans for years after its existence was finally confirmed in 2019.

As an avid Pokémon gamer and content creator, I am constantly scouring sources for the latest news and rare insights into the franchise’s beloved monsters. In this post, I will analyze why Pikachu has no third evolution, the story behind the elusive Gorochu, and reasons why Ash’s iconic anime partner refuses to evolve to this day. Settle in for a deep dive into the mysteries around our cherished electric mouse!

Official Pikachu Evolution Line Analysis

Pikachu’s official evolutionary relatives within its family tree are:

Baby Form: Pichu – Unevolved

Base Form: Pikachu

Final Form: Raichu (when exposed to Thunder Stone)

Regional variants like Alolan Raichu follow the same progression. As of the latest 9th generation games Scarlet/Violet, no new Pikachu evolutions have been added.

Fact fans may not know: Pikachu’s name originates from a combination of two Japanese onomatopoeia words:

  • Pika – referring to electric sparks
  • Chū – the sound a mouse makes

This genius name blend perfectly encapsulates Pikachu’s design as an electric mouse Pokémon!

Over the years, fans have speculated that extra Pikachu evolutions could be introduced in future generations. While I would personally love to see a new fierce form for my favorite Pokémon, so far no concrete evidence or leaks from my sources point to additional Pikachu evolutions appearing soon.

Evolution Analysis Table

Evolution StagePokémon NameMethod of Evolution
Baby FormPichuEvolves when reaches max friendship
Base FormPikachuEvolves from Pichu
Final FormRaichuEvolves from Pikachu when exposed to Thunder Stone

Now, let’s analyze the history behind Pikachu’s mysterious “third” evolution that never officially materialized…

The Story Behind Gorochu – Pikachu‘s Scrapped Evolution

In an interview with Japanese magazine Toyokeizai in 2019, Pokémon graphic designer Atsuko Nishida revealed that the original intention during development was for Pikachu to have one more evolution beyond Raichu.

This scrapped final form was called “Gorochu” – a large, sinister-looking Pokémon with devil-like horns and apparent vampiric fangs. Its fierce appearance was intended to contrast Raichu’s sleeker, cuter yellow design.

So why did this badass-sounding evolution never appear in the games? According to Nishida, Gorochu was cut to maintain Pikachu’s friendly appeal as the franchise mascot. Its vampiric design also risked an increased game age rating.

Personally, as a lifetime Pokémon fan I would have loved to see Gorochu officially realized! A vampiric electric beast evolution sounds incredible. Alas, only some leaked concept art remains of Pikachu’s scrapped “third form”…

Gorochu Concept Art

Leaked Gorochu Concept Art

Perhaps Game Freak could still incorporate this unseen design in a future generation? As a content creator, I will be sure to update my dear readers if any rumors around a rediscovered Gorochu begin circulating!

Why Ash‘s Pikachu Refuses to Evolve

Another common fan question I receive is – why hasn’t Ash’s beloved Pikachu evolved into Raichu after 1000+ anime episodes?

Pikachu’s rejection of evolution dates back to the classic Season 1 episode “Electric Shock Showdown”. In this episode, Pikachu lost a battle against Lt Surge’s powerful Raichu after refusing to evolve itself.

Following this defeat, Ash respected Pikachu’s decision to remain unevolved, cementing the iconic mouse’s design and personality. This choice benefits both characters arcs – Ash’s bond of trust with Pikachu, and Pikachu remaining the cute electric mascot.

Personally, I admire Ash for selflessly keeping Pikachu’s feelings in mind. Their loyalty after 25 years of adventures together always warms this gamer’s heart! It will be emotional indeed if Pikachu ever changes its stance on finally evolving…

Closing Thoughts – Potential Future Evolutions

To conclude, I hope this post clearly answers the question – no, Pikachu does not have an official third evolutionary form beyond Raichu as of 2023. Only its baby pre-evolution Pichu and Thunder Stone-induced Raichu form are canon.

The existence of the scrapped Devil-esque Gorochu design fascinates me endlessly however! As a fan I would dearly love to see this discovered vampire Pikachu officially realized someday. I will be sure to keep my loyal readers updated if rumors around a resurrected Gorochu begin swirling.

For now, Ash’s iconic partner remains stubbornly unevolved. But who knows what the future may hold? As veteran gamers know, no Pokémon game reveal is complete without surprising new creatures and evolutions!

What are your thoughts around Pikachu evolutions? Should Gorochu make a comeback? And do you think Ash’s Pikachu will ever change its stance on evolution? Let me know in the comments!

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