Does Playing Elden Ring Offline Disable Achievements? No!

Playing Elden Ring offline does not prevent you from earning achievements. You can unlock achievements whether you play online or offline. As long as Steam has the achievement data from initially launching the game online, you can continue increasing your achievement progress even when offline.

How Steam Tracks Achievements Offline

Steam has an achievements architecture that keeps track of your progress locally even when playing offline. According to the Steam documentation, this allows achievements to be unlocked seamlessly whether online or offline:

"The Steam client handles unlocking achievements, updating stats, and showing notifications whether the user is in online or offline mode. This provides a smooth user experience without waiting for transactions over the Internet."

So you can rest assured that even if you play Elden Ring entirely offline, Steam is still keeping tabs on your achievement information behind the scenes.

Online vs Offline Play Differences

Online PlayOffline Play
Open to invasionNo invasions
Can summon co-opSolo experience
DistractionsMore immersive
Seeing messagesNo helper messages
Potential lagBetter performance

Online and offline modes cater to different preferences. Here‘s an overview:

  • Online – Allows other players to invade your world. Also lets you summon cooperative helpers. You‘ll see more player messages and bloodstains. Can be chaotic but also social.

  • Offline – It‘s just you. No invasion risks or distractions. Generally offers smoother performance without multiplayer connectivity issues. More immersive for focused exploration.

Many fans play offline specifically due to performance benefits:

"Went back offline today and it is so much better now with the stutters and frame pacing issues gone" – u/Kuvnoz

"Offline mode gives me 15-20 more FPS since I don‘t have to connect to the Elden Ring servers." – Youtube creator KriticalKris

But online or offline, achievements work regardless.

Does Modding Elden Ring Disable Achievements?

Yes, using gameplay-altering mods and cheats will disable achievements as they are against Bandai Namco‘s Terms of Service.

To avoid risk of bans, Elden Ring mods should only be used offline. The anti-cheat will detect mods that give you unfair advantages online. Stick to aesthetic-only mods for online play.

Bandai Namco issued this warning about cheating:

"Use of unauthorized programs or software, resulting in an unfair advantage in the game may result in a suspension or revocation of access to the game."

So bottom line – mods disable achievements. Play offline if modding to avoid issues.

Getting All Achievements in One Playthrough

With careful planning, you can unlock all achievements in a single playthrough – just make sure to get the missable ones!

Missable Achievements

These 4 achievements can be permanently missed:

  • Age of the Stars – An ending cutscene triggered by specific questline
  • Lord of Frenzied Flame – Another ending achievement
  • Mending Rune of Perfect Order – Quest reward from Golden Order storyline
  • Legendary Armaments – Finding all legendary weapons

Use achievement guides to avoid missing key items and NPC quests that can lock you out of achievements.

The good news is you can get all 3 Elden Ring endings in one offline playthrough, as the choice is available right before the final boss once the prerequisites are met.

Ranking Hardest and Easiest Achievements

Based on global completion rates, here are some of Elden Ring‘s most difficult achievements to give you an idea of what you‘re up against:


  1. Elden Lord (4% completion) – Earn all other achievements
  2. Legendary Armaments (16%) – Find all legendary weapons
  3. Lord of Chaos (18%) – All legendary sorceries/incants


  1. The Long Game (92%) – Reach level 100
  2. Are ya winning son? (82%) – 10 multiplayer victories
  3. Stars Aligned (78%) – Reach level 10 Astrologer class

Beginner‘s Guide For New Players Offline

For those just starting out, Elden Ring may seem intimidating. Here are some tips:

Best starting class for beginners:

  • Samurai – Well-balanced melee class with great early game katana

Early areas to explore first:

  • Limgrave
  • Weeping Peninsula
  • Stormhill

Stick to exploring Limgrave initially while getting the hang of combat. Weeping Peninsula and Stormhill are also suitable beginner zones rewarding enough for lower levels offline.

Many fans suggest playing offline for your first playthrough allows learning boss patterns without random invader distractions:

"New players should stay offline so they can learn the PvE properly." – u/AnalogueInterfa3e

"Stay offline so you can take your time exploring without worrying about invaders." – Youtube creator AshenJuan

So while online can provide co-op help, playing Elden Ring offline removes invasion risks and distractions while allowing you to truly immerse yourself in your first journey through the Lands Between.

  • Elden Ring‘s achievement system fully functions offline after initially syncing data online
  • Mods and cheating will disable achievements – stick to offline play if using them
  • All achievements can be obtained in one offline playthrough with proper planning
  • Brand new players are advised to play offline at first for the best experience

So while there are certain tradeoffs, playing offline does not hinder your ability to unlock achievements at all. You can confidently play Elden Ring offline, whether for achievements or simply a better solo adventure immersion without disruption.

Just remember to relaunch online at least once initially to sync your achievement progress!

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