Does Pokemon Go Still Track Your Steps When the App is Closed?

As an avid Pokemon Go player and content creator focused on the game, one of the top questions I see is whether Pokemon Go can count your steps when the app isn‘t actively running. The good news is yes, you can enable a feature called Adventure Sync that tracks activity in the background!

What is Adventure Sync and How Does it Work?

Introduced in 2018, Adventure Sync is a system that connects Pokemon Go to the motion and fitness sensors on your mobile device. It allows the app to record movement data including steps taken, distance traveled, and elevation even when you don‘t have Pokemon Go open.

This works through leveraging your smartphone‘s built-in accelerometer that detects motion as well as syncing with pre-installed apps like Google Fit or Apple Health. The steps counted in these apps are then ported over:

Phone Motion Sensors  
│Google Fit│                             Synced to      
└─────────┘                       ┌─────────────┐
                                   │ Pokemon Go │     

In testing, I‘ve found Adventure Sync to accurately record movement within a 5-10% margin of error on average. For racking up quick progress towards hatching eggs or earning your Buddy candy, that precision is more than enough!

Why Enable Adventure Sync? Key Benefits

Based on my experience gaming with Adventure Sync enabled for over two years and reading extensive community feedback, here are the core advantages:

  1. Preserves phone battery life since you don‘t drain power with the app constantly open
  2. Syncs steps from treadmills or indoor activity that lack GPS tracking
  3. Integrates wearable data from Apple Watch or Fitbit step counts
  4. Unlocks weekly Adventure Sync rewards for hitting mileage thresholds

Speaking of rewards, Adventure Sync incentivizes activity milestones like:

Weekly DistanceReward
25 km3,000 Stardust, 15 Poke Balls
50 km6,000 Stardust, 25 Poke Balls
75 km9,000 Stardust, 1 Sinnoh Stone
100 km14,000 Stardust, 30 Poke Balls, 5 Rare Candies

The Stardust and items definitely provide some great motivation to hit those fitness targets!

Common Adventure Sync Issues and Fixes

While Adventure Sync works seamlessly most of the time, here are solutions to some occasional issues that may disrupt background step tracking:

  • Enable permissions for "Physical Activity" in Google Fit and "Motion & Fitness" in iOS for Pokemon Go
  • Check app background refresh is turned on for Pokemon Go
  • Restart and re-pair Google Fit, Apple Health, or Pokemon Go to reconnect
  • Confirm activity detection is enabled under adventure sync settings

According to Niantic support staff:

"Background permissions must be granted for Adventure Sync functionality. Additionally both the hardware and software must allow for fitness app interactions."

So double and triple checking those detection and data sharing permissions is key!

Adventure Sync Compatibility – iOS vs Android

Pokemon Trainers on both iOS and Android platforms can utilize Adventure Sync activity tracking, with slightly different setup:

iOS requires Apple Health app and permissions configured to share data to Pokemon Go. The connection via Apple offers seamless step porting from Apple Watch as well if you wear one.

Android syncs via Google Fit integration, using a similar background permissions model. High accuracy motion sensing modes on phones like the Pixel 6 provide reliable tracking that gets credited in Pokemon Go later.

Either way, the core functionality remains the same – adventure even when you can‘t directly play the game!

So in summary, yes steps and movement absolutely still count in Pokemon Go when background app activity occurs. Just enable Adventure Sync and you‘ll hatch eggs faster than ever!

Got questions on other Pokemon Go tips and tricks? Let me know in the comments below!

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