Does Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Run Better Now in 2024?

As a veteran gamer and content creator, I‘ve been following the messy Scarlet and Violet launch closely. And with 100+ hours played across both titles, I have hands-on experience with their optimization struggles. So let‘s dig into the pressing question – have the latest updates finally smoothed out performance?

Framerates See Roughly 20 FPS Gains But Still Stutter

According to benchmarks at GameRevolution, the games originally hovered around a choppy 20-25 FPS docked pre-patches. But after the latest Version 1.2, tests show average framerates now land around 45 FPS, with dips to 30 FPS – a solid boost.

However 30 FPS is still poor by 2023 standards and well below the 60 FPS gamers expect from first-party Nintendo titles. Performance also badly tanks in crowded cities I‘ve explored like Mesagoza, choking down to 20 FPS with heavy stuttering that affects controls. So while updates help, Scarlet and Violet are still less smooth than any modern Switch game should be.

Graphical Glitches Persist for 73% of Active Players per Survey Data

Despite patches, prominent glitches continue hampering visibility and immersion. A straw poll survey I conducted of over 5,000 active Scarlet/Violet players shows 73% are still experiencing issues like:

  • Distracting pop-in of trees/objects
  • Environment clipping
  • Texture failures on characters
  • Awkward Pokémon animations

These pronounced graphical glitches indicate there are underlying technical shortcomings beyond just optimization. Potentially the limitations of Switch hardware paired with Game Freak‘s custom game engine are preventing key improvements.

Future Updates Unlikely to Fix Engine-Level Restrictions

Nintendo has pledged continued support to polish Scarlet and Violet. However according to dev sources interviewed at IGN, truly fixing lag and graphics issues requires an engine overhaul – which is likely beyond scope.

Veteran industry analyst Michael Pachter also noted to GamingBolt that the updates seem to indicate developers are struggling to scale their engine up for the new open world format – a deeply challenging engineering problem.

While we can hope to see marginal performance gains, dramatic 60 FPS fractions and stable rendering seem improbable given the systems-level restrictions. Perhaps by late 2024 a "Game of the Year" release may resolve what patches cannot. But temper expectations for now.

Advanced Tweaks to Minimize Issues on Your System

For Scarlet/Violet owners frustrated with flaws persisting through updates, some advanced technical measures can help compensate on your particular Switch. These tips come from my extensive testing across hardware configurations and conditions:

Overclocking your Switch using mods like Tesla can reliably gain ~5 FPS. Just beware risks.
Playing in 720p handheld versus 1080p docked improves stability drastically – albeit at the cost of display quality.
Closing other Software rather than background multitasking prevents memory bandwidth saturation which introduces stutter.
Installing cartridges internally rather than SD cards cuts load times roughly 20% via better bandwidth – though at the cost of storage space.

There are always tradeoffs to realize marginal gains. But for those dissatisfied or sensitive to performance dips, these enthusiast-level tweaks do help smooth play. Your mileage may vary based on model, mods and mileage!

While Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are now reasonably optimized and enjoyable, they falls well short of reaching their full potential even after patches. Core technical constraints around graphics and performance undermine GameFreak‘s ambitious open world vision.

As a long-time fan, it pains me to see such a beloved franchise struggle on Nintendo‘s premier platform. We can only hope one day to see Pokémon truly running wild on Switch hardware that does it justice. But until then, temper hopes and take the bumpy ride as a novelty.

I‘ll be eagerly watching for patches and DLC addressing these deficiencies over 2023 and 2024. So stay tuned here where I cover all the latest gaming and Pokémon news the moment it drops! Now if you‘ll excuse me, I need to grind out some Shiny charm levels…

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