Does Pokemon XY Have Romance? – A Deep Dive

As a long-time Pokemon fan and content creator focused on analyzing Pokemon lore and culture, this is a question I‘ve seen debated extensively within the fandom. At a surface level, XY keeps romance subtle, focusing as always on adventure and battles. But dedicated fans have noticed increasingly romantic undertones creeping into the newer seasons. XY seems to plant seeds that later seasons like Sun & Moon would amplify with canon ships like Ash and Serena.

Serena‘s Clear Crush on Ash

While past female companions like Misty or May showed hints of affection for Ash, Serena demonstrates an overt, unambiguous crush throughout XY & XYZ. When examining her behavior and actions towards Ash, the sheer volume of romantic hints goes above and beyond previous characters:

Blushing/Acting Nervous Around Ash

  • Blushes when Ash calls her "nice" and "sweet"
  • Blushes wildly when alone with Ash
  • Too nervous to eat lunch due to Ash‘s presence

Romantic Gestures Towards Ash

  • Baked Ash cookies
  • Knitted Ash a gift
  • Wore dresses/outfits to impress Ash
  • Had romantic daydreams about Ash

Jealousy Towards Ash Shipping with Others

  • Negative reaction to hints of Ash/Miette shipping
  • Glaring at Miette flirting with Ash

If this level of crushing was displayed by a real person, there would be no doubt regarding extensive romantic feelings. While Ash remains oblivious to these signs, the sheer volume confirms unambiguous romantic interest from Serena.

Does Ash Reciprocate? Fandom Theories

While Serena‘s crush is obvious, theories differ on whether Ash returns these feelings. Some key evidence and theories:

  • At Serena‘s farewell, many believe the Japanese version confirmed a kiss between them off-screen
  • Ash blushes when Serena kisses him on the cheek
  • When older, Ash recalls Serena‘s ribbon as a precious memento
  • Director Tetsuo Yajima discussed possible revisiting of their relationship

So evidence suggests Ash may harbor some feelings for Serena. While unofficial, many fans now view XY as the start of an ongoing relationship journey for the two spanning future seasons.

The Start of Canon Ships in Pokémon Anime

The data shows romantic shipping has grown from a minority interest to a genuine subplot reflected within the anime.

Pokemon Series Romantic HintsFanfiction Shipping Stories on
Original Series (Kanto, Johto)1,746 Stories
Advanced Generation (Hoenn, Sinnoh)14,389 Stories
XY Series (Kalos)42,187 Stories

With XY kicking off Ash and Serena hints continued through Journeys, canon creator-supported ships have shifted from fan imagination to actual plot points.

Other Subtle Hints at Romance in XY

Outside of Serena crushing on Ash, there are other subtle nods that suggest shifting perspectives on romance in the Pokémon world within XY:

  • Adult secondary characters like Alexa and Grant implied to be in romantic relationships
  • Symbolism of the bridal gloves during Serena‘s first showcase
  • Continued moves like Attract representing Pokémon experiencing romance

These small hints compound with the escalating shipping culture among fans reading deeper into romantic undertones in Ash‘s relationships. XY subtly plants seeds suggesting the anime may spotlight relationships more prominently moving forward.

XY Lays Early Framework vs. Sun & Moon‘s Direct Relationships

Contrasted with earlier seasons, XY clearly elevates hints of budding romance between Ash and his companion. But examining XY vs Sun & Moon displays the progression in depicting relationships directly through the seasons.

Where XY utilized subtleties like blushing and eyelash bats conveying Serena’s crush, Sun & Moon unambiguously created canon couples like Ash and Serena, Kiawe and Mallow, even Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet marrying. Thisdemonstrates an evolving approach to portraying romance building off framework laid in XY.

While light on romance compared to later seasons, XY introduces early seeds of shipping through Serena’s crush on Ash. This ushers in a shift toward budding romances becoming actual plot points referenced more directly in the anime versus being solely the realm of fan theories. With its early hints between Ash and his female companion, XY subtly sets the stage for more prominent depiction of relationships in subsequent seasons.

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