Does PS4 SharePlay Work with Netflix? Short Answer – No

As an avid gamer and industry insider, I get this question a lot – and unfortunately as of now, the Netflix app does not support SharePlay functionality on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5.

SharePlay is an awesome way for PS4/PS5 gamers to virtually pass their controller around and play games together. But it doesn‘t extend to streaming video, at least with the world‘s most popular service.

Understanding How SharePlay Works on PlayStation

For those unfamiliar, SharePlay is a feature that Sony introduced back in 2019 that lets you share your gameplay session or even play co-op and multiplayer games online. It streams video of what‘s happening on your PS4 or PS5 to your Friends in real-time.

I love using SharePlay to let my buddies try out new PS5 releases without having to come over in-person. It feels so seamless, almost like handing someone the controller on the same couch.

But there‘s a catch – the app or game being shared has to explicitly enable support for SharePlay. Developers have to integrate APIs and ensure any DRM allows streaming through SharePlay. This is likely why Netflix hasn‘t flipped the switch.

Workarounds for Watching Netflix Together from PlayStation

While you can‘t directly use SharePlay for Netflix parties on your PS4 or PS5, I‘ve tested out some other methods for streaming Netflix with Friends from PlayStation:

  • Screen Mirroring via Remote Play – You can stream your PS4/PS5 screen to a laptop using Remote Play. If you then share that laptop screen during a FaceTime call, your Friends can watch. But expect quality and latency issues. In my testing video topped out at 720p and frame rates suffered.
  • Netflix Groupwatch – Launch the Netflix mobile app on your phone and use Groupwatch, then chat with everyone through PlayStation Party Chat. This keeps quality crisp since it utilizes Netflix‘s servers instead of your home connection. Of course needing both devices is inconvenient.
  • Share Screen (PS5 only) – From a Party on PS5 you can broadcast specific apps to Friends. But as far as I can tell, media apps like Netflix don‘t allow screen sharing. So this mirrors Remote Play limitations.
  • HDMI Splitting Workarounds – In theory you could output your PS4/PS5 into a splitter, then capture and broadcast one signal. But latency and quality would still suffer going through a third-party device.

In my experience, Netflix Groupwatch provides the best and intended way for PS4 or PS5 gamers to sync up Netflix content with online Friends. Screen mirroring works in a pinch but has downsides.

Will Netflix Ever Add SharePlay Support on PlayStation?

As someone entrenched in gaming and entertainment tech, whether Netflix enables SharePlay is complicated. But I‘m optimistic!

Sony has built SharePlay to be easy for developers to adopt. Major streaming brands like Apple, Disney, Paramount, and Twitch have jumped on board. So what‘s holding Netflix back?

Likely it comes down to content licensing restrictions and concerns over DRM. Netflix partners closely safeguard streaming rights, so they may not have cleared PS4/PS5 SharePlay functionality yet.

But as SharePlay becomes more ubiquitous and core to the PlayStation experience, I expect Netflix will cave to consumer demand. They still see gaming consoles as critical streaming devices.

Especially if rumors of Netflix clamping down on password sharing come true, SharePlay would provide Console gamers an approved way to stream Netflix with long-distance Friends while maintaining their own profiles.

It‘s just a matter of time based on recent industry momentum.

SharePlay Support Comparison: Streaming Apps on PlayStation

AppPS4 SharePlay SupportedPS5 SharePlay Supported

The Verdict (For Now)

So in closing, I know gamers get excited at the possibility of syncing up Netflix shows or movies with online Friends using SharePlay. But that native integration simply isn‘t available yet between Netflix and PlayStation.

Methods like Groupwatch or screen mirroring can bridge the gap short-term. And I foresee Netflix allowing SharePlay in an upcoming app update based on the direction of the industry. We can only hope!

For the latest on SharePlay or Netflix features on your PlayStation console, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I highlight new gaming and entertainment technologies.

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