Does Raid Hour increase shiny chance?

No, Raid Hour does not directly improve the base shiny chance for raid bosses. As an avid Pokémon GO player and raid enthusiast, I get asked this often. So let‘s cut through the speculation and break down the facts.

What is Raid Hour?

For those unfamiliar, Raid Hour is a weekly event running every Wednesday 6-7PM local time. During that hour, many gyms activate raids simultaneously. This concentrates player activity and provides a prime chance to defeat multiple raid bosses.

Importantly though, Raid Hour does not alter the base shiny rates. These remain constant outside of special events or changes by Niantic. According to current Silph Road research, the baseline rate for legendaries is:

  • Normal Legendary Raid Boss: ~1 in 20

So what does Raid Hour actually change? Simple – volume. By packing spawns it lets you rapidly raid at scale. You maximize encounters to boost cumulative shiny probability despite unchanged individual odds.

More Raids = More Chances

To demonstrate, let‘s quantify raids inside and outside of Raid Hour:

Raids Per HourExpected Shinies Per Hour
Normal Conditions30.15
During Raid Hour150.75

As you can see, 4x more raids means 4x more shinies, in aggregate. Again though, each encounter probability stays identical at 1 in 20.

Other Ways to Improve Shiny Odds

While Raid Hour doesn‘t change base shiny chance, these tactics can further boost your totals:

  • Coordinate friendship bonus and larger groups – maximizes balls
  • Target weather boosted bosses (shinies are guaranteed level 25+)
  • Learn set circle and quick catch techniques to speed up raids
  • Raid with Best and Ultra Friends for extra balls
  • Trade raid bosses for a 2nd re-roll (12-12-12 IV floor)

Mastering these takes practice but pays off long run. Even small optimizations compound over hundreds of raids.

And when applied properly on Raid Hour, you engineered maximum efficiency and shiny rolls. Now RNG just needs to play nice!

TLDR on Raid Hour & Shinies

So in summary:

  • Raid Hour provides more raids and cumulative shiny chances
  • But base shiny odds per raid remain fixed at ~1 in 20
  • Tactics like friendship can add extra premier balls per raid
  • Trading bosses gives a 2nd shine chance post-raid if unlucky

Hope this clears up the mechanics behind it! Happy raiding to all during your next weekly Raid Hour.

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