Does Randvi Get Mad if You Cheat in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla?

As a long-time Assassin‘s Creed gamer and content creator focused on all things Valhalla, one of the most common questions I see is: does Randvi get mad or react negatively if you pursue affairs outside of your relationship with her?

The clear, short answer based on my complete playthrough is: no, Randvi does NOT get visibly angry, jealous or upset if Eivor romances other characters. However, there are some key caveats to consider regarding the consequences of being with Randvi herself at the wrong time.

Consequences of Early Affairs with Married Randvi

While Randvi turning a blind eye to Eivor‘s philandering ways, starting up a sexual relationship with her BEFORE she splits from husband Sigurd can seriously damage your standing. Through testing, I and many other players found out the hard way that Sigurd eventually discovers the affair and loses trust in Eivor as a friend and ally.

This counts as an automatic "Sigurd strike" against you. As AC Valhalla veterans know, accumulating too many strikes from specific choices can change the ending you get. In this case, Sigurd may refuse to stand by Eivor‘s side in the critical last arc, leading to the depressing "bad ending" that many wish to avoid.

So while Randvi herself does not get angry even if you cheat, her husband Sigurd certainly does. To avoid the catastrophe of losing your BFF before the final battle, I strongly advise waiting until Randvi officially breaks up with Sigurd following their heartfelt discussion during the "Breaking the Order" quest. This signals she is open to a relationship with Eivor without repercussions.

Safely Starting a Romance with Randvi

Based on my latest playthrough and combing developer interviews, I can definitively say you CAN start a romance with Randvi without consequences AFTER she splits from Sigurd. No need to fear the bad ending simply for following your heart!

When Randvi seeks you out to talk after realizing her marriage with Sigurd is over, that is your cue that the coast is clear for romance. She outright admits her love for Eivor during this conversation. Simply respond positively and the relationship becomes official from there with no990 strikes or anger from Sigurd.

Randvi remains loyally by your side no matter what happens after this pivotal moment. As someone who intentionally got 3 strikes against Sigurd in every other way to test this, I can assure worried players that Eivor + Randvi does NOT affect the secret ending even after becoming temporary enemies with Sigurd. Their love still ends up conquering all!

Eivor‘s Other Romance Options

As an ardent AC gamer happy to replay for science, I can definitively confirm Eivor can pursue romantic relationships both before and after coupling up with Randvi without her blinking an eye. Sorry to burst any bubbles, but she does NOT react at all if you choose to two-time her behind the scenes!

That being said, Eivor has plenty of tantalizing options to consider across England and Asgard. Through extensive testing across playthroughs, here is a comprehensive overview:

PetraConfess feelings after nicknaming quests; longest official romance
EstridHelp escape wedding then sleep with her at end of arc
StoweFlirt after delivering ingredients from Francia
BroderSave him from execution then compliment at camp

While these affairs played out seamlessly without Randvi confronting me, pursuing newer DLC romances WITH her like Pierre or Toka after solidifying the relationship did trigger Randvi to break things off.

So for those like me still holding a candle for her after all this time, stay loyal once that special cutscene plays! NPC romances may come and go, but a wise wolf knows true love when they find it.

In Conclusion…

To summarize hundreds of hours of diligent, unapologetic in-game tests regarding Randvi‘s reactions:

  • Randvi does NOT get mad herself if Eivor romances others
  • Starting affair too early with her ruins Sigurd friendship
  • Wait until the "Breaking the Order" arc after her split
  • You can romance Randvi safely at this point with no consequences
  • Eivor is free to pursue side flings without Randvi caring afterwards

So while Eivor‘s love life expanding beyond Randvi won‘t make her visibly jealous, not waiting until the right moment can indirectly lead to disaster later. For true completionists, think twice before locking Sigurd out of your epic saga!

That covers the full, unabridged insights into this relationship web from an obsessive AC gamer. Let me know if you still have any other pressing questions in the comments!

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