Does RDR2 Have the Best Video Game Story Ever?

Red Dead Redemption 2 tells an epic story of the Van der Linde gang struggling to survive the decline of the Wild West. With complex characters, impactful choices, and themes exploring morality and loyalty, RDR2‘s story stands out as one of the most praised in video game history.

Critical Acclaim for RDR2‘s Story and Characters

Reviews consistently highlight quality storytelling as a hallmark of RDR2. The game has a 97 average on Metacritic, with many perfect scores praising the narrative. GameSpot calls it "one of the best stories in video games." IGN says it "raises the bar for narrative open-world games."

Central to the praise is the characterization of Arthur Morgan. Game Informer calls him "one of the most fascinating protagonists I‘ve ever controlled." Polygon says: "Arthur Morgan is a model video game character – a man who grows in nuance and depth as his world decays."

Why Gamers Connect with Arthur‘s Redemption Arc

Arthur‘s journey from loyal enforcer to doubting his outlaw family after a diagnosis of tuberculosis is a redemption arc that resonates. Players control a "comprehensively realized character" undergoing dramatic moral growth in response to his impending mortality.

This arc explores universal questions of legacy and what it means to be a good person. Arthur‘s doubts make him relatable, and many players reflect on his introspection.

Player Choice Deepens the Story‘s Impact

RDR2 employs a morality system tracking Arthur‘s honor to change dialogues and outcomes based on player choices. Good deeds like helping strangers raise Arthur‘s sense of conscience and alter the story‘s tone.

Gamers praise the way choice meshes with characterization. One notes: "I felt like I was Arthur…it was my adventure, it was me helping someone or being an absolute devil."

Is It the Greatest Video Game Story Ever?

While definitive proclamations are impossible, RDR2 makes a strong case through artistic execution of an impactful narrative arc, multilayered characters, and player agency all working in harmony. It shows video game storytelling achieving more emotional depth than the medium has seen before.

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