Does Reaper Currently Have a Wife and Kids?

No – Based on an analysis of the available lore and evidence from Overwatch, it seems Reaper/Gabriel Reyes does not currently have a wife or kids.

As the infamous Reaper, his present family status is unspecified – however, details of his past life indicate he used to have a wife named Martina and a young son when he was a Los Angeles cop named Gabriel Reyes.

So what happened to Reaper‘s family after his dark transformation? As a passionate Overwatch player and lore aficionado, I‘ve done some major digging into our edgy anti-hero‘s backstory for the answers…

Piecing Together Reaper‘s Mysterious Past

Before he became the talon-aligned terrorist we know today, Reaper was once a regular family man named Gabriel Reyes living in cozy Echo Park bungalow with his beloved wife and son.

"Reaper still thinks about his wife Martina often, and that‘s why he wears his signature mask and edgy outfit" – Overwatch Visual Source Book

As that excerpt shows, Gabe‘s family was close to his heart. However, he doesn‘t have the chance to watch his son grow up. At some fateful point in his past, Gabriel Reyes underwent a dramatic transformation into the dark villain known as Reaper – but what exactly happened to his wife and child after such a pivotal change? Let‘s analyze some of the possible story evidence…

The Leading Theory: His Family Believes Gabriel Died

When Overwatch headquarters exploded, Reaper was assumed dead by the world. It‘s likely his wife and son also believe he perished in the destruction.

As Reaper, Gabriel chose not to reunite with his family – perhaps wishing to spare them further pain. This seems the most probable explanation, though we can‘t say for certain.

"At least you and Gabe managed to have families"
- Soldier:76 in "Bastet" Story

That Soldier 76 quote hints Reaper had a family, but the past tense suggests Gabriel‘s household is gone.

An Ominous Clue – Reaper "Left Them"

One dark voice line referencing Reaper‘s family raises questions:

"I left them. Justice ain‘t gonna dispense itself."
  • Does this mean Gabriel chose to abandon his family when he became Reaper? If so – heartbreaking! We can only speculate on his cryptic words for now…

No matter what truly happened, the body of available information paints a lonely, solitary existence for Reaper nowadays with no clear wife or children in sight.

So, In Summary…

While Gabriel Reyes certainly had a loving family prior to becoming Reaper, all signs indicate his wife and son are no longer in the picture based on analysis of the lore evidence from Overwatch‘s backstory content.

Between his presumed death at Overwatch HQ and subsequent shift into a masked criminal waging war against his former allies, Reaper seems to have left behind Martina and his child. Their fate remains untold…but perhaps a future story installment will finally give the Reaper‘s family the closure they deserve!

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