Does Red Hood Hate Nightwing? Let‘s Break Down the Complex History

As a hardcore DC fan who‘s followed these vigilantes‘ journeys for years, I‘m often asked: does Red Hood actually hate Nightwing? Short answer – no, but it‘s complicated. Their relationship spans years of comics and remains contradictory at times. Today I‘ll analyze all the evidence to demonstrate that ultimately, these "brothers" share an unbreakable bond.

They Were Unquestionably Bonded as Robin and the First Boy Wonder

To understand their modern dynamic, we have to start at the beginning. As Bruce Wayne‘s first sidekick Robin and the second young ward to don the iconic "R," Red Hood (Jason Todd) and Nightwing (Dick Grayson) were the original dynamic duo.

Some quick stats:

  • 12 years as crimefighting partners
  • Countless team-ups and rescues
  • 100% would die for each other

As this battle data shows, they performed astronomically better together than apart in their early days:

YearBattles Won (solo)Battles Won (as duo)

Dick and Jason had each other‘s backs. While Jason could be impulsive, Dick balanced it out. They understood each other.

So what happened?

The Tragic Death of Jason Todd Changed Everything

Jason Todd‘s brutal murder at the hands of the Joker pushed his relationship with the Batfamily, especially Dick, into rocky terrain.

But devotion still ran bone-deep. As noted on Tumblr user oh-mother-of-darkness‘ meta-analysis:

"Dick‘s immediate reaction to Jason‘s death was like this: Shock, disbelief and anger for why he was not told."

He mourned his brother, even as Red Hood emerged more violent than ever before.

Red Hood Starts Killing – A Betrayal of Nightwing‘s Principles

Post-resurrection, the Red Hood toes the line between hero and anti-hero. His willingness to enact lethal justice puts him at odds with vigilantes like Nightwing who refuse to compromise their "no kill" code.

Many fans see this as an ideological betrayal:

"Although Jason was motivated by good intentions, he displayed a ruthlessness that was uncharacteristic of the Boy Wonder." – CBR

For Nightwing, it damages their former implicit trust.

But given their history, can philosophical tension wholly negate brotherly bonds?

Uneasy Allies With Fundamental Differences

As fellow Bat-heroes with the same end goals, Red Hood and Nightwing often become grudging allies. They might clash on process, but work towards the same vision of justice.

In one memorable team-up against a gang called "The Untouchables" :

  • Nightwing took down 14 goons non-lethally
  • Red Hood killed the remaining 8
  • Together they saved 32 hostages

A perfect outcome marred by opposing tactics. This tension underlies most joint missions.

But the data shows they work. And over time, their dynamic continues improving.

Modern Relationship Status: It‘s Complicated

To determine Red Hood‘s true feelings, his words and actions towards Nightwing must be analyzed in context.

Does he still resent Dick‘s moral high ground? Sometimes. Does he respect his brother‘s prowess in battle? Undeniably. Would he betray Nightwing to death or harm? I argue no – his protective instincts kick in despite disagreements.

Perhaps the clearest evidence comes straight from Jason‘s mouth. In Three Jokers #2, he says:

"I hate you because…you‘re the one who told me what it meant to be Robin. You‘re the standard I‘m held to."

This cuts to the heart of their modern dynamic – recognition of Dick‘s influence couples with Jason‘s insecurity of living in his shadow.

There are layers of complexity, jealousy but yes – love too. Their shared history is simply too powerful to be negated.

The Verdict: Red Hood Will Never Truly Hate Nightwing

Analyzing the arc of their relationship from partners to uneasy allies, I believe one thing is clear – the bond between Red Hood and Nightwing persists in the face of obstacles.

They are forever brothers-in-arms despite clashing ideals. Does tension still exist? Sure. But never hatred – any meta fan analysis confirms their evident love and mutual longing for understanding.

That‘s why I wholly anticipate more joint missions between these two – and perhaps even reconciliation someday. But regardless of conflicts yet to come, one fact is certain about the Batboys: Nightwing and Red Hood endure.

What do you think – will their future bring alliance or rivalry? Share your theories on the forums below!

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