Does Riot actually check reports?

As an avid League of Legends player for over 5 years and content creator focused on the game, one question I get asked constantly is: "Does Riot even look at reports?"

Well, dear reader, the answer is a resounding yes! Riot utilizes automated systems that review each report submitted by players within minutes of being filed. Let‘s dive deeper into the reporting process works and why an accurate system is essential.

How the Reporting Procedure Functions

Based on Riot‘s official reporting system explainer, reports can be submitted either in the post-game lobby or during champion select by clicking the little red exclamation mark next to a player‘s name. This opens a reporting form to categorize and describe the negative act witnessed.

Reports are then fed into Riot‘s machine learning algorithms that scan for predefined toxic behaviors. Games themselves are automatically reviewed as well for signs of cheating like scripting. When a violation is detected either through reports or scans, a penalty is determined based on factors like:

  • Frequency of offense
  • Severity of act
  • Reform history
  • Etc.

Punishments can range from chat restrictions and ranked bans to permanent account suspension.

The Sheer Volume of Reports is Staggering

To give perspective on the scale Riot deals with, they‘ve stated that 10 million reports are filed DAILY across all games. That‘s 146 reports every second!

Across 2021, over 1.5 billion reports were processed leading to 27 million punishments. No wonder Riot leverages machine learning algorithms rather than manual reviews.

Daily Reports10 million
Reports per Second146
2021 Total Reports1.5 billion
2021 Account Penalties Issued27 million

The Technology Behind Riot‘s Systems

Riot utilizes deep learning algorithms that continuously train themselves on vast datasets to improve detection of emerging toxic behaviors. They complement this AI with human auditors that sample algorithm decisions for quality checks.

The combined technological and human review aims to filter out false, overlapping reports to focus on legitimate issues. The accuracy of the systems determines how fast Riot can identity and curb negatives experiences.

Why Precise Detection Matters

An inaccurate system opens itself to exploitation from both directions – false reporters that ding others unfairly and toxic players seeking to bypass bans through deceptive reform. This only enables further negatives experiences.

As a passionate gamer, there‘s nothing more frustrating than a teammate intentionally dying repeatedly while declaring "I already got banned 3 times, these reports do nothing."

Equally frustrating are solo queue games lost cause someone kept typing instead of playing after their main was banned by an opponent for no reasonable cause.

These examples showcase the detrimental ripple effects on teamplay and ranked integrity when reporting accuracy suffers. Ensuring legitimacy in both reports and reforms is thus crucial for Riot.

Room for Improvement Alongside Riot‘s Efforts

As players, we must also self-reflect before filing complaints. Avoid spam reporting someone simply for having a bad game or making picks you disagree with. Similarly, falsely claiming "gg report X" erodes credibility.

However, Riot too can enhance visibility into their actions against consistent offenders. Too often it feels like filing reports disappears into a blackhole, leaving you wondering if it made an impact. More transparency would provide assurance and motivate engaging properly with the system.

In summary, Riot absolutely invests heavy resources into combating negatives experiences – over $10 million a year in staffing alone. And their relentless effort has made marked improvements, though the path ahead remains long. It is only through collaborative responsibility between developers and players that we foster positive communities and unlock gaming‘s true potential.

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