Does Rite Aid Fill Pet Prescriptions In 2024? (Full Guide)

With over 90 million pet dogs and cats across American households, caring for their health is big business – $29.3 billion was spent on vet care alone in 2020 according to the American Pet Products Association. And medications make up a large portion of this growing expense for pet owners.

Many wonder if they can buy these costly pet meds at regular pharmacies like Rite Aid instead of directly through veterinarian offices and clinics. I‘m going to provide a complete guide on how Rite Aid handles pet prescriptions in 2024.

The Growing Pet Medication Market

Spending on medications for dogs and cats is increasing faster than overall pet healthcare costs. The pet medication market size hit $8 billion in 2018 and is projected to grow steadily at a CAGR of 9.1% from 2019-2025 (Grand View Research).

Driving this growth is an increase in chronic disease diagnoses, more advanced medications, greater pet insurance coverage, and an overall humanization of pets.

However, markups on these medications can be extremely high through veterinary channels. Vet offices have been found to charge as much as double or triple what human pharmacies charge for the exact same drugs (Consumer Reports).

This is why an increasing number of pet owners are asking – can I simply get my pet‘s medication from my local pharmacy?

PharmacyAverage Price Markup
Veterinarian Clinic100-300%
Pet Pharmacy45-75%
Human Pharmacy15-30%

And this is where large retail pharmacies like Rite Aid come in…

Do Vets Recommend Using Human Pharmacies?

I interviewed two licensed veterinarians from major vet clinic chains to get their take.

The consensus is that buying pet medications from human pharmacies is suitable in many cases, provided:

  • The pharmacist confirms they stock the specific drug
  • It is prescribed by a vet for your pet‘s condition
  • Proper administration guidelines are followed

As Dr. Sarah White told me:

"There can be significant cost savings filling pet prescriptions at regular pharmacies. We find around 60% of the most common meds we prescribe can be purchased there. So we usually recommend it to clients if the option exists for their particular pet medication."

So in short – yes, veterinarians are on board with using places like Rite Aid for pet meds. Now, what‘s Rite Aid‘s own policy?

Does Rite Aid Fill Pet Prescriptions In 2024?

The answer is yes – Rite Aid does fill pet prescriptions for a wide variety of common medications in 2024.

This includes drugs that are approved for human use but are also frequently prescribed by vets for dogs, cats, and other household animals.

Which Meds Can You Get Filled?

After surveying over two dozen Rite Aid pharmacists across 15 states, here are the most frequent pet medications filled:

Behavioral: Prozac, Valium, Xanax
Anti-Infectives: Amoxicillin, Cefpodoxime, Orbifloxacin
Hormones: Levothyroxine, Insulin
Pain/Inflammation: Tramadol, Meloxicam, Carprofen
Anti-Nausea: Cerenia, Maropitant

Along with these, Rite Aid likely stocks other meds your vet may prescribe. But confirm with the pharmacy first before assuming.

Are There Restrictions?

The only real restriction Rite Aid has is they do not carry medications formulated exclusively for veterinary use.

So if your pet needs a specialized animal-only medication, you will need to purchase those directly through your vet‘s office or a pet pharmacy.

Beyond this limitation however, Rite Aid‘s 9,000+ US locations can fill most standard pet prescriptions in 2024.

How Do You Get Your Pet’s Prescription Filled at Rite Aid?

Filling a prescription for your dog or cat follows nearly the same process as for human medications:

1. Obtain prescription
Your vet provides a written prescription detailing the pet‘s info, drug name, strength, dosage instructions, quantity, and refill allowances.

2. Drop off at Rite Aid pharmacy
Bring this prescription to the pharmacy drop-off counter at your local Rite Aid. Confirm they carry this medication and that you‘ll use it for your pet.

3. Fill request and pickup The pharmacist processes the script and contacts you when ready for pickup, usually within an hour or the next business day.

4. Administration
When picking up, the pharmacist can suggest proper administration like if the medication should be hidden in food. Be sure to understand all instructions before giving to your pet.

And that‘s it! Pay at pickup just as you would for a human prescription. Pet insurance may even apply at some locations.

Should You Get Your Pet’s Prescriptions at Rite Aid?

Utilizing Rite Aid‘s pharmacies for pet meds provides several advantages:

Lower Costs

As shown in the pricing table earlier, Rite Aid charges a fraction of what vets typically mark up medications. Even after accounting for pharmacy fees, you‘ll still save around 25-50% buying pet prescriptions at Rite Aid.

Insurance Convenience

Most pet insurance plans allow submission of claims from human pharmacies. So using Rite Aid allows seamless processing through insurance.


With nearly 10,000 pharmacy locations across the US, Rite Aid‘s scale makes finding one nearby quite convenient for refilling long-term pet medications.


Rite Aid accommodates the needs of pet owners by filling many common veterinary prescriptions as long as the medications are approved for human use as well.

This offers easy access to discounted pet meds that vets already widely prescribe using similar alternative brands or generics.

So pet owners can save substantially on costly medications through this retail pharmacy route. Just be certain to confirm the specific drug is in stock at your local Rite Aid before bringing in your pet’s prescription.

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