Does Rite Aid Still Sell Newspapers in 2024?

In an increasingly digital era, you may be wondering—does a drugstore chain like Rite Aid even bother stocking old school newspapers anymore? As fewer people may grab a physical paper these days, let‘s take a updated look Rite Aid‘s newspaper and magazine offerings in 2024.

Print News Sales Keep Declining…But Many Still Buy Papers

There‘s no doubt readership of print newspapers is down in the 21st century. Weekday newspaper circulation fell over 12% from 2020-2021 alone, from 28.7 million to 25.2 million copies, per Pew Research. However, 25 million is still a significant reader base, showing many cling to print papers.

Additionally, non-daily local papers saw circulation grow slightly to over 12 million last year. So hyperlocal community coverage remains vital for some. Even with online news popularity, don‘t count print papers out yet!

Newspaper Type2021 CirculationChange from 2020
Weekday Papers25.2 million-12%
Sunday Papers38.1 million-8%
Non-Daily Local12.4 million+0.4%

Data from State of the News Media Report 2022

As Papers Decline, Magazines See Even Sharper Losses

However, magazines have suffered even steeper print readership losses than newspapers in recent times. 2021 saw a 13% year-over-year drop in nationwide magazine circulation. These declines may impact availability at retail chains like Rite Aid moving forward.

Rite Aid Stays Committed to Offering Newspapers

While supply chain issues impacted newspaper distribution networks in 2021-2022, Rite Aid appears committed to making papers conveniently available when possible. Their typical paper offerings include:

  • Top national papers – Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Times
  • Focused publications – Investor’s Business Daily, Barron’s
  • Regional/local papers – Philadelphia Inquirer, LA Times, etc.
  • Free weekly local market circulars full of store savings!

How does their selection compare to competitors? See the table below:

RetailerNewspapers?Magazines?Local Papers?
Rite AidYesVariesUsually
CVSUsually NotVariesRarely

This shows Rite Aid stacks up well for convenient newspaper shopping versus chains like Walgreens or CVS. They lag slightly behind Walgreens for magazine availability however.

Declining Print Media – But Rite Aid Can Adapt

What does the future hold for Rite Aid newspapers in 2025 and beyond? Print paper demand will likely continue decreasing bit by bit annually. However, millions still cling to their daily paper routine. As long as substantial reader bases remains, Rite Aid can adapt to meet local needs.

I expect Rite Aid‘s newspaper and magazine mix will keep evolving. As some national papers potentially fade further, they may shift focus to strengthening hyperlocal partnerships. Delivering the papers suburban and rural communities care about could become an increased priority and value proposition.

Peruse the Papers and Grab Your Read

Rite Aid may carry less total paper inventory than decades past. But for now, they still provide a valuable neighborhood newsstand service. You can peruse headlines, grab a Wall Street Journal or dig into local happenings through their area paper selections in 2024.

So don‘t assume this drugstore chain has joined increasing digital-only ranks. When you need a print fix, head into your local Rite Aid and catch up on the latest events through the papers they stock today.

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