Does Ryuunosuke and Susato Tie the Knot? An Ace Attorney Romance Analysis

No official confirmation yet, but there‘s reasonable cause to ship these two! While the smash-hit visual novel series leaves the fate of defense attorney Ryuunosuke Naruhodo and legal assistant Susato Mikotoba ambiguous, various hints have led to widespread fan theories that the pair may one day wed.

As an Ace Attorney mega-fan myself, I definitely count Ryuunosuke x Susato among my favorite ships! Let‘s review the evidence…

A Partnership Built on Trust

Ryuunosuke and Susato first meet when she becomes his judicial assistant after traveling from Japan to Victorian London. Although initially stunned to discover this competent legal aide is actually a young woman around his age, Ryuunosuke comes to rely on Susato‘s level-headed wisdom.

Over the course of their adventures spanning tons of manga volumes and game cases, the two form an incredibly tight bond rooted in complete trust in one another. Official artwork depicts them grinning together or exchanging knowing glances hinting at their great chemistry.

Descendants Suggest a Connection

After they return to Japan, it‘s implied Ryuunosuke and Susato continue working together. While not outright stated, many fans think they may have eventually taken their relationship to the next level.

This popular theory holds more water when you consider Susato has been confirmed as an ancestor of Spirit Medium Maya Fey, Phoenix Wright‘s longtime assistant and love interest across many games.

If Susato married Ryuunosuke, it would perfectly link the bloodlines of several main characters in the Ace Attorney world!

  • Susato Mikotoba -> Maya Fey
  • Phoenix Wright -> Ryuunosuke Naruhodo

Common Shipping Tropes

Beyond the descendant connections, Ryuunosuke and Susato‘s relationship dynamic hits several romance tropes common to fictional ships that send fans‘ imaginations soaring.

A few of the classic shipping themes Susato and Ryuunosuke embody include:

  • Partners/Friends to Lovers
  • Opposites Attract – she‘s disciplined, he‘s high-strung
  • Secret Identity Reveal
  • Trust and Reliance in Danger
  • Shared Hardship and Trauma

These classic setups lay fertile ground for an eventual love story to bloom!

Precedent in the Ace Attorney Universe

Also fueling the plausibility of a future Susato x Ryuunosuke romance is the fact that several prominent Ace Attorney games culminate with core characters coupling up.

Phoenix Wright famously professes his love to his longtime work partner Maya Fey. Miles Edgeworth reunites with his childhood friend and first case assistant.

Following these templates, it doesn‘t seem like much of a stretch to envision Susato and Ryuunosuke taking their friendship to the next stage later on down the road too.

Why Fans Love This Ship

Susato and Ryuunosuke end the duology with a close, ambiguous relationship without confirmed reciprocated romance. This allows fans‘ imaginations to run wild with exciting possibilities!

Players love speculating on where the couple could take things after the credits. Fan art, fan fiction and online debates divorcing into opposing camps abound.

For many Ace Attorney gamers like myself, the theory that Ryuunosuke and Susato tie the knot makes for a heartwarming conclusion to their story. It satisfyingly brings major characters‘ lineages full circle. And it holds promise that the earnest, fiercely loyal partners can find a happy ending together after overcoming so many trials and adversities.

So while there‘s no canon proof (yet!), the context clues definitely point to real chemistry. I‘ll keep hoping Great Ace Attorney 3 makes it official!

What do you think – can you picture Ryuunosuke and Susato married with kids one day? Sound off, Ace Attorney nation!

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