Does scout rank matter?

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the latest titles and updates in the industry, I get this question a lot when new co-op features launch. Returnal‘s recent addition of scout ranks has revived the debate on whether caring about tiered progression systems matters or not.

In short – scout rank indicates your skill and helpfulness as a co-op teammate but does not directly impact gameplay difficulty or mechanics. However, there are some clear incentives that make boosting your scout rank worthwhile if you enjoy aiding other players.

What Does Scout Rank Do?

Introduced alongside Returnal‘s co-op mode, scout rank places you into a tiered system ranging from Tier 1 up to Tier 3 scout. This rank reflects the cumulative "score" you earn from other players based on:

  • Reviving downed teammates
  • Assisting with kills
  • Sharing useful items/resources

In essence, be a reliable co-op partner and your scout rank will slowly increase to designate your helpfulness.

You can view any player‘s scout tier when matchmaking. This allows you to see their expected familiarity with co-op mechanics.

According to popular gaming site Fanbyte, the scout rank progression is as follows:

Scout RankRating Threshold
Tier 1 Scout0 – 1,499
Tier 2 Scout1,500 – 2,999
Tier 3 Scout3,000+

So while Returnal does not gate any content behind scout tiers, they offer a general skill benchmark.

What Are the Incentives to Raise Scout Rank?

You might be wondering – why bother with the grind? What actual benefits come from increasing your scout tier?

The main incentives are:

  • Ether Rewards – Raising your scout rank grants ether, Returnal‘s rare in-game currency used for important items/upgrades. It‘s an efficient way to farm additional ether.
  • Achievements/Trophies – Special accolades unlock at Tier 2 and Tier 3 scout milestones.
  • Unique Cosmetics – Other scout rank costumes/accessories may release over time.
  • Matchmaking Perks – Higher tiers may get priority when matchmaking for their known co-op skills.
  • Gamerscore Bragging Rights – Flaunt your helpful mastery in the game‘s community.

Besides these incentives, scout rank does not impact the difficulty curve or progression of Returnal itself. The challenging biomes and bosses stay the same regardless of tier.

Should You Care About Scout Rank?

Whether to actively work on scout rank comes down to your preferences as a gamer.

For trophy hunters and co-op enthusiasts, pursuing the next tier‘s ether/achievements alone may be worthwhile. The grind also appeals to those who enjoy supporting other players regularly.

Here‘s a breakdown based on common gamer profiles:

Gamer TypeShould They Care About Scout Rank?
Solo playersNo – focus on your single player experience instead.
Competitive gamers chasing high scoresNo – leaderboards rely purely on skill, not scout rank.
Co-op fans who play with friends oftenSomewhat – provides goals when playing together, but not essential.
Achievement hunters wanting to 100% the gameYes – ether rewards and scout trophies are required milestones.
Altruistic supporters who enjoy assisting othersYes – purpose is helping strangers succeed and ranking up reflects that dedication.

Casual players or those ambivalent towards co-op can safely ignore scout rank. But for other gamer types, the tiered progression provides clear targets to chase by playing Returnal as intended – cooperatively.

The Verdict?

In the end, scout rank matters if you want it to. While optional, pursuing higher tiers gives co-op devoted players meaningful goals to strive towards. The ether, achievements, and matchmaking perks are tangible rewards from helping fellow gamers beat Returnal‘s brutal challenges.

And for those disinterested in progression systems or strictly playing solo, scout rank can be ignored without impacting Returnal‘s core enjoyability. Housemarque cleverly baked incentives in without forcing players to engage with ranking up.

So judge for yourself based on your gaming preferences – then decide if the path to Tier 3 Scout appeals or not!

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