Does Shadow of Mordor Have Different Endings?

Shadow of Mordor has two potential endings that players can achieve – one after completing Act III of the main story, and an additional ending scene unlocked for completing Act IV and finishing the final main quest. So in summary there are not drastically different story paths, but rather two endings that show different points on protagonist Talion‘s journey for revenge against Sauron‘s armies occupying Mordor.

Background on Shadow of Mordor

Shadow of Mordor is an open world action roleplaying game developed by Monolith Productions and released in 2014. Players take on the role of Talion, a Gondorian ranger who has his family murdered and is himself killed, but revived and possessed by an elven wraith spirit named Celebrimbor. With new supernatural abilities granting combat prowess and control over orcs‘ minds, Talion heads out into Mordor seeking vengeance.

A key feature of Shadow of Mordor is the unique Nemesis system. Enemies you fight remember your encounters with them, level up as they defeat you, and develop personalities and ranks within the orc army hierarchy. This leads to emergent storytelling moments and tense showdowns with your self-styled nemeses.

Explanation of Shadow of Mordor‘s Two Endings

Ending after Act III – This ending wraps up the main revenge story arc, with Talion and Celebrimbor defeating the Black Captains and confronting the Hammer of Sauron. After the credits, there is an additional scene showing the wraiths departing, signifying the end of your quest.

Ending after Act IV – Act IV and Shadow Wars present the game‘s final quests and boss fight against the Tower of Sauron. If you complete all 10 stages defending fortresses, an extended "many years later" cinematic plays showing future plot threads related to Talion‘s fate. This plants seeds of his eventual destiny as revealed in the sequel Shadow of War.

So in essence there are not totally different story branches, just an additional cutscene for those who fully finish the game. You can still play post-game content like challenges regardless. Some speculation says Act IV foreshadows Talion becoming one of the Ringwraith Nazgûl.

Shadow of Mordor vs Games With Diverging Story Paths

Unlike some narrative heavy games like Mass Effect, Shadow of Mordor does not have totally different storylines and endings based on major choices. Your choices mainly affect the procedural generation of your nemesis orcs. The overall plot remains on one course outside of seeing the second ending preview or not.

Games with clearly differentiated endings based on player decisions like InFamous, Dishonored, and The Witcher series present more alternate realities compared to Shadow or Mordor‘s consistent overall storyline. Both approaches have their merits for storytelling and replayability.

Additional Shadow of Mordor Details

  • Average Main Story Length: 151⁄2 hours
  • Average Completionist Length: 32 hours
  • The sequel Shadow of War delves deeper into Talion‘s fate
  • Nemesis system still shines in post-game content
  • Monolith‘s clear passion for Tolkien lore enhances worldbuilding

While not as branching as some narrative driven games, Shadow of Mordor crafts a solid revenge tale with two potential endcaps to Talion‘s journey. The signature Nemesis system also organically drives replays and post-game challenge. And the final reveal in the additional ending creates deeper lore connections for this grey area of Middle-earth‘s history to explore in future entries.

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