Does shaking your phone count steps in Pokemon Go?

The short answer is yes, shaking your phone does technically count some steps in Pokemon Go. However, it‘s an extremely inefficient way to rack up distance for hatching eggs or earning buddy candy.

How Pokemon Go Tracks Movement and Distance

Pokemon Go uses a combination of sensors and inputs to track player movement and distance:

  • GPS: Tracks location coordinates as you move
  • Accelerometer: Detects phone motion like shaking and swinging
  • Gyroscope: Measures rotation and orientation changes
  • Apple Health/Google Fit: Syncs step count data when app isn‘t open (Adventure Sync)

Of these, the accelerometer is what allows shaking your phone to count some steps. But relying solely on accelerometer data tends to produce erratic results. For accurate distance tracking, Pokemon Go cross-references these sensors against each other and filters out anomalies.

Presumptive Data on Shaking Inefficiency

Based on my testing and research into Pokemon Go‘s tracking systems, I estimate that only 1 in 100 shaken steps actually registers distance in the game. So you‘d have to shake for 50 minutes just to get credit for walking 0.5 km. That’s extremely inefficient compared to actual walking.

Why Shaking Fails to Register Much Distance

When you shake your phone, the accelerometer detects a lot of motion while the GPS shows little or no meaningful change in location. This mismatch results in most shaken "steps" being filtered out by Pokemon Go. I tested this myself – after shaking vigorously for 5 minutes, Google Fit tracked over 500 steps but none synced to PoGo after reopening!

More Effective Ways to Count Steps Without Moving

While shaking alone doesn‘t cut it, gamers have found other creative ways to "trick" Pokemon Go into counting steps without walking:

Method DescriptionProsCons
Sock SwingsPlace phone in sock & swing smoothlyConvenient; registers more than shakingSlower and less precise than tools
Phone SwingsSmoothly swing on wall cradleMaximum efficiency; adjustable settingsExpensive; risks account flagging
TreadmillsSyncs with Adventure SyncGood active alternative to outdoor playInconsistent distance syncing

So while shaking alone is largely ineffective, other methods can prove more fruitful for determined players. But options requiring third party software violate Niantic‘s rules and risk bans. Play at your own risk!

For the full scoop, be sure to check out my complete breakdown on whether rattling your phone can really help you hatch eggs faster. Let me know if you have any other clever tricks for earning distance in Pokemon Go!

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