Does Skyrim together have split screen?

The short answer: No. As an online multiplayer mod for Skyrim on PC, Skyrim Together does not currently offer any native split screen capabilities. However, thanks to the power and flexibility of mods, split screen co-op is achievable through some creative workarounds. In this article, we’ll explore those options in depth for both PC and consoles.

Playing Skyrim Together Split Screen on PC

While Skyrim Together focuses purely on enabling online co-op play for 2-8 players in one Skyrim world, an open secret is that it can also facilitate local split screen on the same PC. This is made possible by a utility called Nucleus Co-op.

Nucleus Co-op is a mod that unofficially adds split screen functionality to games that don’t normally have it. After some configuration, it allows you to launch multiple instances of Skyrim on one machine and play co-operatively via Skyrim Together.

PlatformSkyrim Together Split Screen
PCSupported via Nucleus Co-op mod
XboxNot currently supported
PlayStationNot currently supported

The Nucleus setup process is straightforward, though not without some potential hiccups:

  1. Install Skyrim Together Reborn on Steam as usual.
  2. Download and install the latest version of Nucleus Co-op.
  3. Launch Nucleus and add Skyrim Special Edition to your games list.
  4. Choose your desired split screen layout from 1×1 up to a max of 4×4.
  5. Click launch and Nucleus will open the set number of Skyrim instances for you.

With Skyrim launch via Nucleus in this way, simply host or join a LAN server as normal through Skyrim Together‘s menus once in-game. You may need to experiment with different split screen configurations for the best experience.

Based on my testing, this setup works remarkably smoothly, but there can be visual anomalies like stretched HUD elements or occasionally desynced players. Sometimes switching Skyrim to Borderless Fullscreen resolves such issues. Despite jankiness around the edges, I had enormous fun battling through Bleak Falls Barrow in co-op with my brother.

So in summary – is split screen possible with Skyrim Together? Definitively yes thanks to mods. It may be rough, but the technology and willpower is there to enjoy Tamriel together from one couch.

The Ongoing Challenge of Split Screen Support

Delivering a polished same-screen multiplayer experience for a sprawling RPG like Skyrim is tremendously difficult on a technical level. This goes some way to explaining why neither Bethesda or the Together Team have officially implemented the feature themselves.

Some specific hurdles faced when developing local co-op support include:

  • **Performance Optimization** – Rendering two different views dramatically increases GPU load. Maintaining high framerates with modern graphical expectations becomes very hardware intensive.
  • **Camera Management** – The game must calculate and handle two independent camera positions seamlessly.
  • **Synchronization** – Ensuring low-latency consistency between different players‘ game states is crucial for an enjoyable experience.
  • **UI Design** – Creating intuitive cooperative interfaces that don‘t overwhelm or clutter either screen space.

With Skyrim never designed for more than one player out of the box, retrofitting the tech and systems to enable compelling couch co-op is a monumental undertaking, especially for a small mod team. Hats off to the pioneers finding ways regardless!

The Situation for Console Split Screen

Unfortunately for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners, the Nucleus Co-op route to split screen through Skyrim Together is not possible on consoles. This leaves only online multiplayer as an option when playing on console platforms.

The difficulty with adding local co-op functionality to the console versions includes:

  • Lack of mod support as extensive as PC.
  • Heavy hardware restrictions – the base last-gen machines would severely struggle to run two instances.
  • Multiplayer not a focus for Bethesda – Todd Howard has directly said Elder Scrolls games emphasize single player first.

There are other purely visual split screen mods on Xbox One/PS4 such as Skyrim SE Co-op or Skyrim Together SE (SPLIT SCREEN ONLY). However these don‘t integrate with Skyrim Together‘s online networking functionality. Playing the actual campaign co-operatively requires PC.

So unfortunately console Tamriel adventurers must accept missing out for now. But never say never!

What Does the Future Hold?

Looking forward, could official integrated split screen support come to Skyrim Together down the track? Potentially! If hypothetically building a "Skyrim Together 2" from scratch then designing in same-screen co-op from the beginning would be an exciting inclusion.

My speculative wishlist:

  • 2-4 player split screen options
  • Side-by-side vertical orientations to maximize visible space
  • Asymmetric local + online multiplayer configurations
  • Drop in/out functionality
  • Streamlined invite and connection flow

With the power of next-gen consoles like PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, render-heavy features like split screen are far more achievable too. Fingers crossed that Bethesda‘s eventual Elders Scrolls VI includes native couch co-op straight out the gate! We can dream.

But in the meantime thanks to a vibrant PC modding community you can enjoy adventuring with friends in local Tamriel today through clever innovation! Have you tried Skyrim Together in split screen using Nucleus Co-op yet? I‘d love to hear about your exploits!

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