No, Sony Does Not Own Rights to Deadpool – Disney/Marvel Control the Franchise

To provide a definitive answer: No, Sony does not currently own the rights to Deadpool – that ownership lies mainly with Disney & Marvel Studios after their acquisition of 20th Century Fox assets in 2019.

History and Breakdown of Deadpool Movie Rights

The history of Deadpool movie rights involves some complexity across a few major entertainment companies. Here‘s a breakdown:

  • Originally, the character rights defaulted to Marvel Comics when created in 1991
  • In 1993, 20th Century Fox obtained the film rights to several Marvel characters, including Deadpool
  • Fox produced and released Deadpool (2016) and Deadpool 2 (2018) starring Ryan Reynolds
    • Budget of $58M, Box office $782M+ total
  • In 2019, Disney purchased 20th Century Fox film assets for $71.3 billion
    • Thereby acquiring the rights to many Marvel characters Fox held
  • This transferred Deadpool film rights to Disney/Marvel Studios from Fox
  • Exact details or any Sony rights are unconfirmed publicly

So for clarity – Disney & Marvel Studios now hold the main Deadpool movie rights following the major Fox acquisition deal in 2019.

Sony‘s Past Marvel Rights Deals

Sony has secured movie rights to certain other Marvel characters in previous licensing deals:

  • Spider-Man live-action film rights licensed from Marvel in 1999
  • Rights to over 900 Marvel characters in different deals over the years
    • Many obscure, minor characters though
  • Examples: Spider-Woman, Silver Sable, Black Cat

But sources indicate Sony likely never obtained any level of Deadpool rights separate from other players.

Disney & Marvel‘s Future Deadpool Plans

Since gaining Deadpool rights, Disney & Marvel have confirmed upcoming plans:

  • Deadpool 3 in development targeting November 2024 release
    • Will be part of official Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
    • Ryan Reynolds returning as title character
    • Will release under Disney‘s 20th Century Studios banner
    • Kevin Feige producing
  • Will be first R-rated film made by Marvel Studios
  • Planning to integrate Deadpool into larger MCU
    • Potential for future crossovers with Avengers, Spider-Man, X-Men
  • Fox producer Emma Watts also joining Deadpool 3 production team

So in their first usage of newly acquired Deadpool rights, Disney and Marvel Studios are moving full speed ahead on continuing the hit franchise within the lucrative MCU.

Implications – New Creative Possibilities

Disney and Marvel controlling Deadpool opens up wider possibilities for the character‘s future and integration with the MCU due to:

  • Unified Marvel movie/TV universe – More scope for crossover storylines drawing on Marvel‘s huge cast
  • Fox constraints removed – Previous clashes with Ryan Reynolds over creative limits
  • Disney global distribution network – Even more exposure to mass worldwide audiences

While the exact approach remains to be seen, Deadpool joining the Marvel Studios fold enables options that many Marvel fans have long clamored for.

Conclusion – No Ambiguity on Deadpool Ownership

Hopefully this sheds definitive light that Sony does not own Deadpool rights (nor likely ever did). That belonged to Fox originally, before transferring solidly to Disney ownership along with many other formerly Fox-controlled Marvel characters.

Where Deadpool‘s outrageous antics will take him within the box office record-shattering Marvel Cinematic Universe is still to unfold. But the rights ownership enabling this future is clear – Disney & Marvel Studios.

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