Does Special Cargo Make Money in GTA Online in 2024?

In short – absolutely. As a long-time GTA Online player, I can definitively say special cargo is one of the most profitable businesses even in 2024. While the missions are grindy, a full large warehouse sells for over $2.2 million in profit. With new ways to source cargo passively, it‘s easier than ever to build up stock.

But just how much can you make? And is it still worth investing time into compared to opportunities like the Auto Shop and Agency contracts added in recent updates?

Breaking Down The Profits From Special Cargo

I‘ve filled multiple large warehouses over the years – here‘s a detailed breakdown of costs, value per crate, and total sale profits:

Warehouse SizeCapacityCrates to FillCost to FillValue Per CrateTotal Sale ValueTotal Profit
Small16 crates16 missions$240,000$15,000$240,000$0
Medium42 crates42 missions$735,000$17,500$735,000$0
Large111 crates111 missions$2,220,000$20,000$2,220,000$2,000,000*

*Large warehouses unlock Trade Prices for purchase, reducing the cost from $4.2M to $1.2M

A few things stand out:

  • Cost per crate increases based on size – it‘s cheapest to fill large warehouses
  • Sale value per crate also increases per size
  • Only large warehouses become profitable after sale

So while small/medium warehouses let you test the process, large is best for making money with special cargo.

Fun Fact – If you sold all 111 crates individually, they‘d be worth $16.5 million!

Is Special Cargo Still Viable in 2024?

With new content constantly added and inflation on in-game costs, is special cargo still worth the time investment compared to new opportunities?

In my experience – absolutely! While the Agency and Auto Shop provide great passive income, special cargo has much higher potential profits while active.

Plus the Criminal Enterprises update added Lupe – pay her $7,500 for 1-3 crates in your warehouse. This makes building cargo stock faster with less active effort.

During 2X money events, you can make $4 million+ off a large warehouse. That kind of cash is hard to match anywhere else!

The missions themselves can be tedious solo. But the payout keeps me grinding, and it‘s still my go-to method for fast money after all these years.

Maximizing Profits

To really optimize special cargo profits, here are my top tips:

1. Only Source Crates With Other Businesses Accumulating

Time efficiency is key. Keep your Nightclub, Bunker and MC businesses churning out stock. Source crates in between sale missions.

2. Pay Lupe During Down Time

She may "misplace" cargo at times, but Lupe earns her keep by sourcing 1-3 free crates daily. Set aside $7,500 each play session.

3. Sell In Friendly Sessions

High demand bonuses reward selling in populated servers. But the risk isn‘t worth $20k+. Carefully vet players first or sell solo.

4. Mix Active & Passive Grinding

Alternate crates with a Diamond Shopping spree, Security Contract or Lamar‘s Sightseer missions. It keeps the grind fresh!

Cargo Crates vs. Vehicle Cargo

Vehicle cargo has its perks – no upfront cost to fill, only need one sale vehicle, positive ROI each source mission.

But selling top range vehicles caps at $80k in profit. That takes over 26 sales to match a large warehouse…plus you need the vehicle warehouse!

For active grinding, I stick to special cargo for big cash or vehicle cargo when I have limited play time.

The Verdict? Still An Active Money-Making Meta

While special cargo requires hours of grinding missions, the ~$2 million paydays (more on double weeks!) make it well worth the effort.

The addition of "passive" sourcing through Lupe reduces the grind without slashing profits. With a great CEO crew, filling warehouses is a breeze.

I still invest 50+ hours a month into buying and selling contraband cargo after hundreds of hours over the years. Why change up a formula that keeps paying massive dividends on my time invested?

So if you ever wonder "does special cargo still make money in 2024", I can definitively say…

Yes – in fact, it makes MORE money than ever! With new ways to source passively and consistent demand, special cargo is still a grinders paradise.

Let me know in the comments if this helps explain the cargo crate meta! I‘m happy to offer tips for maximizing profits.

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